
2022-07-24 11:04

荷兰马斯特里赫特大学Pieter Goossens等研究人员通过整合多重免疫荧光和质谱成像技术,在代谢和细胞背景下绘制出骨髓异质性图谱。该项研究成果于2022年7月19日在线发表在《细胞—代谢》杂志上。




Title: Integrating multiplex immunofluorescent and mass spectrometry imaging to map myeloid heterogeneity in its metabolic and cellular context

Author: Pieter Goossens, Chang Lu, Jianhua Cao, Marion J. Gijbels, Jol M.H. Karel, Erwin Wijnands, Britt S.R. Claes, Gregorio E. Fazzi, Tim F.E. Hendriks, Kristiaan Wouters, Evgueni Smirnov, Marc J.M. van Zandvoort, Benjamin Balluff, Eva Cuypers, Marjo M.P.C. Donners, Ron M.A. Heeren, Erik A.L. Biessen

Issue&Volume: 2022-07-19

Abstract: Cells often adopt different phenotypes, dictated by tissue-specific or local signals such as cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts or molecular micro-environment. This holds in extremis for macrophages with their high phenotypic plasticity. Their broad range of functions, some even opposing, reflects their heterogeneity, and a multitude of subsets has been described in different tissues and diseases. Such micro-environmental imprint cannot be adequately studied by single-cell applications, as cells are detached from their context, while histology-based assessment lacks the phenotypic depth due to limitations in marker combination. Here, we present a novel, integrative approach in which 15-color multispectral imaging allows comprehensive cell classification based on multi-marker expression patterns, followed by downstream analysis pipelines to link their phenotypes to contextual, micro-environmental cues, such as their cellular (“community”) and metabolic (“local lipidome”) niches in complex tissue. The power of this approach is illustrated for myeloid subsets and associated lipid signatures in murine atherosclerotic plaque.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2022.06.012

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(22)00232-7


Cell Metabolism:《细胞—代谢》,创刊于2005年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:31.373

