
2022-08-07 17:59

法国巴黎医学物理研究所Mickael Tanter研究团队利用功能超声定位显微镜在微观尺度上显示全脑神经血管活动。这一研究成果发表在2022年8月4日出版的国际学术期刊《自然—方法学》上。


超声定位显微镜 (ULM) 通过对静脉注射的微泡进行定位,实现了高达微米级的脑血管血流的经颅成像。然而,迄今为止,检测显微血管内的微泡所需的长采集时间限制了 ULM 主要应用于微血管结构成像。研究人员展示了如何修改 ULM 以在大脑激活期间动态量化功能性充血,从而在大鼠大脑深部区域达到 6.5 微米的空间和 1 秒时间分辨率。


Title: Functional ultrasound localization microscopy reveals brain-wide neurovascular activity on a microscopic scale

Author: Renaudin, Nomi, Demen, Charlie, Dizeux, Alexandre, Ialy-Radio, Nathalie, Pezet, Sophie, Tanter, Mickael

Issue&Volume: 2022-08-04

Abstract: The advent of neuroimaging has increased our understanding of brain function. While most brain-wide functional imaging modalities exploit neurovascular coupling to map brain activity at millimeter resolutions, the recording of functional responses at microscopic scale in mammals remains the privilege of invasive electrophysiological or optical approaches, but is mostly restricted to either the cortical surface or the vicinity of implanted sensors. Ultrasound localization microscopy (ULM) has achieved transcranial imaging of cerebrovascular flow, up to micrometre scales, by localizing intravenously injected microbubbles; however, the long acquisition time required to detect microbubbles within microscopic vessels has so far restricted ULM application mainly to microvasculature structural imaging. Here we show how ULM can be modified to quantify functional hyperemia dynamically during brain activation reaching a 6.5-µm spatial and 1-s temporal resolution in deep regions of the rat brain. Functional ultrasound localization microscopy monitors cerebrovascular blood flow by detecting the flow of injected microbubbles, providing access to brain activity at high spatiotemporal resolution.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01549-5

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-022-01549-5

Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:47.99

