
2022-10-27 13:15

德国马克斯普朗克生物智能研究所Herwig Baier研究团队近日取得一项新成果。他们的最新研究在突触水平完成了斑马鱼幼体大脑神经回路的重建。该项研究成果发表在2022年10月24日出版的《自然-方法学》上。

为了重建大脑突触连接,研究人员通过连续的块面电子显微镜在体素尺寸14×14×25 nm3下,对幼虫斑马鱼的大脑进行了切片和成像。研究人员使用负载填充网络算法对结果数据集进行分割,自动检测化学突触,并通过与透射电子显微图像和光微观重建比较来验证结果。神经元及其连接以可查询和可扩展的数字地址簿形式存储。研究人员重建了一个由208个神经元参与的视觉运动处理网络,其中大多数位于前体,并通过双光子钙成像在同一标本中对前体进行了功能表征。




Title: Automated synapse-level reconstruction of neural circuits in the larval zebrafish brain

Author: Svara, Fabian, Frster, Dominique, Kubo, Fumi, Januszewski, Micha, dal Maschio, Marco, Schubert, Philipp J., Kornfeld, Jrgen, Wanner, Adrian A., Laurell, Eva, Denk, Winfried, Baier, Herwig

Issue&Volume: 2022-10-24

Abstract: Dense reconstruction of synaptic connectivity requires high-resolution electron microscopy images of entire brains and tools to efficiently trace neuronal wires across the volume. To generate such a resource, we sectioned and imaged a larval zebrafish brain by serial block-face electron microscopy at a voxel size of 14×14×25nm3. We segmented the resulting dataset with the flood-filling network algorithm, automated the detection of chemical synapses and validated the results by comparisons to transmission electron microscopic images and light-microscopic reconstructions. Neurons and their connections are stored in the form of a queryable and expandable digital address book. We reconstructed a network of 208 neurons involved in visual motion processing, most of them located in the pretectum, which had been functionally characterized in the same specimen by two-photon calcium imaging. Moreover, we mapped all 407 presynaptic and postsynaptic partners of two superficial interneurons in the tectum. The resource developed here serves as a foundation for synaptic-resolution circuit analyses in the zebrafish nervous system.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01621-0

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-022-01621-0

Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:47.99

