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Reply from Esri China about ENVI Compiled Procedures

已有 2497 次阅读 2013-11-28 20:51 |个人分类:ENVI/IDL|系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:学者| ENVI, API

I wrote a bolg to complain no descriptions for ENVI APIs on 26th, November, resulting difficulty in invoking ENVI Routines. Later, I was proposed to go through ENVI Help, but, which had been checked for a long time, google also. Some useful APIs are remaining blind to us, of course, some examples will show the arguments relate to its routines, but I think they are not enough to comprehend and employ. I have an idea to consult Exelis directly, when I discuss with other.


And a letter was sent to Exelis yesterday, a reply has been received this noon. Please see the following:

For some unknown reasons, Exelis would not like to distribute Introductions for these procedures. So, we should do it by myself.


上一篇:Introductions for ENVI Compiled Procedures?
下一篇:IDL Self—Learning “Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming”


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