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[每日一乐]Winter in My Heart-Befour

已有 4198 次阅读 2008-11-8 21:40 |个人分类:耳朵想旅行|关键词:学者| 每日一乐, Heart, Winter, Befour

[每日一乐]Winter in My Heart-Befour
    冬天来了,或许这种温度在我的家乡连秋日都算不上,但Winter in My Heart……
    Befour的《Winter in My Heart》是去年冬日推出专辑中的一首,但今日听来,心里暖烘烘的。
    Befour是一个来自德国的男女4人组合,成员分别是Alina, Manou, Dan 和 Angel。清新靓丽的嗓音给人耳目一新的感觉,尤其在这依旧会暖融融的冬日,品一杯咖啡,让Winter in My Heart……

          winter in my heart                冬天在我心里
winter has come                             冬天已经来了
farewell to the sun                         太阳离得好远
it's getting colder every single day        一天比一天冷
you are not here                            你不在这里
can't stand you're not near                 不能忍受你不在身边
I'll wait for you forever and I pray        我会等待并为你祈祷
My Fantasy makes believe that you're with me我仿佛相信我们还在一起
I have winter in my heart                   冬天在我心里
cause I miss you more than words can say    因为我如此想念你以至无法言语
when nights are long and lonely without you 没有你的晚上是漫长和孤独的
I have winter in my heart                   冬天在我心里
count the hours every single day            每一天都在数着时间
that lonesome time is too sad to be true    那种幽寂是那样的真实那样伤感
got  winter in my heart                     就像冬天在我心里

snow falling down                           雪一直下
and you're not around                       你不再回来
I'm all alone in that white wonderland      我孤独的待在那白色的妙境里
taking a walk                               漫步
there's no one to talk                      没有一个人和我说话
we used to be together hand in hand         我们过去经常是手牵手在一起
my fantasy makes me believe that you're with me我仿佛相信我们还在一起
I have winter in my heart                   冬天在我心里
cause I miss you more than words can say    因为我如此想念你以至无法言语
when nights are long and lonely without you 没有你的晚上是漫长和孤独的
I have winter in my heart                   冬天在我心里
count the hours every single day            每一天都在数着时间
that lonesome time is too sad to be true    那种幽寂是那样的真实那样伤感
got  winter in my heart                     就像冬天在我心里

I have winter in my heart                   冬天在我心里
cause I miss you more than words can say    因为我如此想念你以至无法言语
when nights are long and lonely without you 没有你的晚上是漫长和孤独的
I have winter in my heart                   冬天在我心里
count the hours every single day            每一天都在数着时间
that lonesome time is too sad to be true    那种幽寂是那样的真实那样伤感
winter in my heart                          就像冬天在我心里


附:专辑《Hand In Hand-The Winter Album》曲目
1 hand in hand 
2 winter dream 
3 sweet little bells
4 crying heart
5 shooting star
6 if you wanna know
7 sometimes dreams come true
8 sunshine in december
9 winter in my heart 
10 crystal wonderland
11 winterdream (phantasialand version)
12 hand in hand (piano version)



上一篇:[每日一乐]Je Te Rends Ton Amour-Mylene Farmer

1 Ashlyn91

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