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[每日一乐]Forever - Stratovarius

已有 4491 次阅读 2008-11-9 21:10 |个人分类:耳朵想旅行|关键词:学者| 每日一乐, Forever, Stratovarius

[每日一乐]Forever - Stratovarius
    听风,听乐,listen Forever~
    《Forever》是首十多年前的老歌了,出品自芬兰前卫金属乐队 Stratovarius(灵云乐队)。乐队成立于 1984 年,由三个来自芬兰、赫尔辛基的三个年轻人组成,分别是鼓手兼主唱 Tuomo Lassila,贝斯手 John Vihervaauml 以及吉他手 Staffan Straaringahlman。Stratovarius 名字的来源是两个单词的组合:Stratocaster 和 Stradivarius: Stratocaster 是 Fender 出品的一种吉他,而 Stradivarius 则是专指意大利人斯特拉迪瓦里制作的小提琴,这种琴价格昂贵,音色饱满,由此我们就可以感受到乐队的雄心:做出一种融合古典与重金属的音乐风格。

Forever - Stratovarius

I stand alone in the darkness              夜晚独自伫立
The winter of my life came so fast         生命的寒冬铺天而来
Memories go back to childhood              当记忆追溯到童年
To days I still recall                     至今让我难忘怀
Oh how happy I was then                    噢!那时我多么欢快!
There was no sorrow there was no pain      没有痛苦没有哀愁
Walking through the green fields           漫步在无垠绿色的田间
Sunshine in my eyes                        眼中反射着阳光

I'm still there everywhere                 无论我身在何方
I'm the dust in the wind                   我只是风中一粒尘
I'm the star in the northern sky           只是北天一颗星
I never stayed anywhere                    天涯海角无处停留
I'm the wind in the trees                  我只是穿越树林的一缕风
Would you wait for me forever ?            你是否会永远等我?

I'm still there everywhere                 无论身在何方
I'm the dust in the wind                   我只是风中一粒尘
I'm the star in the northern sky           只是北天一颗星
I never stayed anywhere                    天涯海角无处停留
I'm the wind in the trees                  我只是穿越树林的一缕风
Would you wait for me forever ?            你是否会永远等我?
Would you wait for me forever ?            你是否会永远等我?
Will you wait for me forever ?             会吗?


附:Stratovarius - Episode (1996)
1. "Father Time"
2. "Will the Sun Rise?"
3. "Eternity"
4. "Episode"
5. "Speed of Light"
6. "Uncertainty"
7. "Season of Change"
8. "Stratosphere"
9. "Babylon"
10. "Tomorrow"
11. "Night Time Eclipse"
12. "Forever"
13. "When the Night Meets the Day" (hidden track)



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