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Nature书评的Anatomy of higher education的翻译(I)

已有 1181 次阅读 2022-5-4 11:06 |个人分类:疫情封控|系统分类:科研笔记


Anatomy of higher education

Eric Ashby

The Higher Education System: Academic Organization in Cross-National Perspective. By Burton R. Clark.

University of California Press: 1983. Pp.315. £21.25, $32.50.

The result is rarely illuminating and invariably dull. Clark meets the challenge in a more ambitious way. What are universities for? What do they believe about themselves and what does the so called "layman" (that word is historically significant too) think about them? Where does authority lie in systems of higher education? They have changed over the centuries and by implantation into alien cultures: what have been the incentives, and what have been the impediments, to change?

The raw material for universities is knowledge. They are, Clark declares, institutions for the management of knowledge; research and teaching are the technologies employed in management. But knowledge is not homogeneous. An institution for the management of knowledge brings on to one campus mediaevalists, biochemists, engineers.Why? Mediaevalists can get on perfectly well without biochemists. Are they together simply to share the central heating system and the catering facilities? In the Soviet system much professional education is in staff colleges attached to the appropriate ministries: lawyers in a college run by the ministry of justice, doctors in a college run by the ministry of health. Yet an institution embracing many diverse disciplines remains the standard pattern for higher education.





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