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Nature书评的Anatomy of higher education的翻译(IV)

已有 1121 次阅读 2022-5-4 18:04 |个人分类:疫情封控|系统分类:科研笔记

Anatomy of higher education

Eric Ashby

The Higher Education System: Academic Organization in Cross-National Perspective. By Burton R. Clark.

University of California Press: 1983. Pp.315. £21.25, $32.50.

An institution for the management of knowledge has to solve a very difficult problem in the management of its own members. The scholars are differentiated into dozens of disciplines and subdisciplines.

Those in authority over them cannot possibly tell them what to do; yet someone has to allocate space, cut the financial cake into slices, provide the common services. And someone has to defend the university's interests against pressures from what is (shortsightedly) called "the outside world". Clark describes in detail the patterns of academic authority: the dictatorial professor who has the right of patronage (as is to be found in Italy); the collective control by committees of academics (as is to be found in Britain); the administrators who manage the university as a sort of holding company for semiautonomous oligarchies of faculties or colleges (as in California); the limited delegated control under a system managed by the state, where the professors are civil servants (as in France). He sees good and bad in all these patterns and wisely refrains from committing himself to preferences among them. Finally, Clark discusses change in institutions of higher education. Here, it seems, is another paradox: that they are notoriously the most exasperatingly conservative bodies and yet it is from them that the most revolutionary initiatives for changes in society come. Clark finds this puzzling, but I think the explanation may be quite simple. It is that the initiatives come from the "shop floor", from the research and writing of young people. The resistance comes from the people who have become enmeshed in the administrative network of the place or whose interests would be endangered by change. The obduracy of the University of London to reform itself is a local British example of this.


[1] 作为教育生态学的首倡者,Ashby认为把大学和其外界环境敌对起来,是很短视的。


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