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已有 3712 次阅读 2010-3-19 08:27 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:人物纪事|关键词:学者

Dear Mr. Mark Hurd:
"Everything we do must be for the customer. If it's not, then we need to reconsider why we're doing it."
You claimed in the webpage of HP as HP chairman of board, chief executive officer and president. And your smile impresses me that you and your words and products deserve to be trusted. Do you know what I, an ordinary customer, need when I bought a HP netbook?
When I intend to buy a netbook for my son for his twelve year old. In China the age means he begin to be independent and will probe his own future. As a mother I can only provide him a tool. A netbook can enlarge his view and motivate him. So I selected a netbook as a present.
I am not rich, as a matter of fact, I loaned a lot money from bank recently. I have to struggle to buy a cheap one or a good one. When I saw the HP brand, I made up my mind. It is the first step of my son to be independent, and I must help him to establish the relationship of trust! I rest assure that HP can be trusted totally. I had a very agony experience with other brand: when I bought my laptop, the salesman wanted to sell me a second-hand laptop because he thought I didn’t have any knowledge on computer so he deleted old files in the face of me! And they didn’t withdraw my mortagage for opening the machine!
I trust HP to such an extent that I even didn’t doubt why Norton was popup and said it was overdue, but second day, I found some old files(Figure 1) and manage to find the files that were hided by salesman(Figure 2). It is clearly show that the netbook had be used in the 26th and 28th in the June and 5th and 17th of July!
I don’t know the files were made by the customer or salesmen or HP technician, but I know the HP netbook had been used before I bought in the 2nd October(Figure 3)! And the history of netbook was hided from customer! But the traces still revealed its history! May a used netbook can be sold to customer as a new one?
I then asked the salesman to change a new one in the second day after I bought the nootbook. But he refused, and I tried to call HP hotline, but I am just told that it is none of business of HP!
What is business of HP? At the moment I am asking the HP service to detect the netbook and give me the evidence that the computer had been used before the 2nd October. And then return the netbook, because my son told me that he didn’t believe HP again, he wants me to buy a Lenove for him, he told me that he trust the lenove.
An ordinary customer!
Figure 1
Figure 2



3 吴飞鹏 魏东平 丛远新

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