

挪威卓越古植物学家Ove Fredrik Arbo Høeg 院士(1898—1993)

已有 3513 次阅读 2016-8-24 07:27 |个人分类:古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|系统分类:人物纪事|关键词:学者| The, palaeobotany, Epic, Palaeobotany-486, Scandinavia

The Epic of Palaeobotany-486

Palaeobotany of Scandinavia and the Arctic

Norwegian palaeobotanist— Ove Fredrik Arbo Høeg (1898—1993)

挪威卓越古植物学家Ove Fredrik Arbo Høeg 院士(1898—1993)

SPS-486-Ove Fredrik Arbo Hoeg-rev8.pdf

   挪威(Norway, 57° ~ 81° N, ~ 32° E地处北半球高纬度地区,位于北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛(Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe)的西部,东与瑞典接壤,西邻大西洋,拥有漫长的海岸线。挪威拥有国土385,000多平方公里人口520多万。挪威的森林、油气等自然资源丰富,其社会保障体系非常完善。

Fig.1. A geopolitical map of Norway

     亨里克·易卜生 (Henrik Johan Ibsen,1828--1906)19世纪挪威剧作家。他的名字和他的代表作《玩偶之家》(Etdukkehjem--A Doll's House)在全世界具有广泛影响。而挪威学者Ove Fredrik Arbo Høeg (1898—1993) 20世纪著名的古植物学家,系挪威古植物学研究的先驱人物。在拥有14亿多人口的整个华语世界,了解Ove F. A. Høeg的人恐怕是寥寥无几。

∮1 Ove F. A. Høeg (1898--1993)

       1898Ove F. A. Høeg出生于挪威南部的Larvik小镇1923年,他毕业于奥斯陆大学[该大学时称“Royal Frederick University]Ove F. A. Høeg对植物学的兴趣主要受奥斯陆大学地衣专家Bernt  Arne Lynge (1884--1942)的影响。后来,该校地质古生物学家Johan Aschehoug Kiær (1869–1931)引领Ove F. A. Høeg走进古植物学。

       1942年,Ove F. A. Høeg在奥斯陆大学完成博士学位论文,主要研究了北极Spitsbergen地区泥盆纪植物化石。

       1947Ove F. A. Høeg晋升为奥斯陆大学植物学教授。195110月至19538月,受联合国教科文组织派遣,Ove F. A. Høeg远赴印度勒克瑙担任刚组建的萨尼古植物学研究所所长(Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany , Lucknow, India)Ove F. A. Høeg与中国古植物学家徐仁院士(1910--1992)勒克瑙有一段交集。[注:1948年,徐仁到印度勒克瑙直接参与组建萨尼古植物学研究所。19525月初勒克瑙离开勒克瑙,返回中国南京。徐仁先生在其晚年的回忆中提及他和Ove F. A. Høeg的交往。]

      Ove F.A. Høeg的研究领域很宽广,涉及到现代植物和化石植物的教学、科研和科普,但他的主要学术贡献在于古植物学(palaeobotany)和民族植物学(Ethnobotany)【参见出版目录】Ove F. A. Høeg关于北极地区植物化石的研究对于从全球角度探讨北半球高纬度地区的植被演替和环境变迁具有重要科学意义和现实意义。

      1941年,Ove F.A. Høeg当选为挪威科学院院士(Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters)。他还是美国植物学会通讯会员(Corresponding member of the Botanical Society of America)[注:在西方植物学界,美国植物学会通讯会员享有较高学术声誉。]

      1967年,Ove F.A. Høeg退休,但坚持工作。1991年,93岁高龄的Ove F. A. Høeg仍发表植物学科普作品。

      1993年,Ove F. A. Høeg在奥斯陆去世,享年95岁。.

∮2 生平简介(Brief chronology)

Brief chronology of Norwegian palaeobotanist— Ove Fredrik Arbo Høeg (1898—1993)

--1898: Born in Larvik, Norway; [Father: Thomas Arbo Høeg (1852–1930); mother: Sigrid Bugge (1862–1945) ]

Larvik (59°4′52″N 10°0′59″E), a town and municipality in Vestfold county, Norway

--1917: Completed secondary education;

--1923: Graduated from the Royal Frederick University (later renamed as the University of Oslo in 1939);

The University of Oslo (Norwegian: Universiteteti Oslo), until 1939 named the Royal Frederick University (Norwegian: DetKongelige Frederiks Universitet), is the oldest universityin Norway,located in the Norwegian capital of Oslo.

The university was founded in 1811 and wasmodeled after the Universityof Copenhagen and the recently established University of Berlin. It was originally named for KingFrederick VI of Denmark and Norway and received its current name in 1939. Theuniversity is informally also known as Universitetet ("the university"), having been the only university in Norway, until 1946 and was commonly referred to as"The Royal Frederick's" (Det Kgl. Frederiks), prior to the namechange.

--1923: Married Elisabeth Cathrine Blom (1898–1927) [First marriage];

--1923--1925: Curator at the University Paleontological Museum in Oslo;

--1926--1947: Curator and manager of the botanical department at Videnskabsselskabets Museumin Trondheim;

--1927: Elected to a fellow of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters;

--1934: Married Ellen Susanne Fridrichsen (1900–1955) [Second marriage];

--1941: Elected to the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

--1942: Received doctorate degree with a thesis on the Devonian flora of Spitsbergen;

--1947—1967: professor of botany at the University of Oslo;

--October 1951—August1953: Commissioned by UNESCO, O. A. Høeg served as the Director & Organizer of the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany (Lucknow, India);

“In1951, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) included the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany in its TechnicalAssistance Programme, under which Professor O.A. Høeg of the University ofOslo, Norway, served as its Director from October, 1951 to the beginning ofAugust, 1953.”  Cited from--

--1958—1965: Director of the Botanical Museum and Garden, University of Oslo;

--1962: Married Hjørdis Holm (1908–1992) [Third marriage];

--Elected to a corresponding member of the Botanical Society of America;

--1971: Received Fram Committee Nansen Reward for his work on Svalbard fossil flora;

--1986: Received NAVF popular science award;

--1993: Died in Oslo atage of 95.

∮3 论著目录[Publications (see Appendix)]


Qigao Sun (孙启高):


Story of PaleobotanySeries (No.486) [The 487th issue in total]

The Epic of Palaeobotany-486

Palaeobotany of Scandinavia and the Arctic

Norwegian palaeobotanist— Ove Fredrik Arbo Høeg (1898—1993)

挪威卓越古植物学家Ove Fredrik Arbo Høeg院士 (1898—1993)

August 21,2016


Norway(挪威) (Introduction about Norway in Chinese)

Henrik Johan Ibsen(亨里克·易卜生, 1828--1906)

Et dukkehjem玩偶之家》(A Doll's Houseby Henrik Johan Ibsen in 1879

Norwegian palaeobotanist— Ove Fredrik Arbo Høeg (1898—1993)øegøeg

Bernt Arne Lynge (1884--1942),a Norwegian botanist

Johan Aschehoug Kiær (1869–1931),a Norwegian geologist and palaeontologist

The Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, India

Spitsbergen, northern Norway(78°45′N 16°00′E)


部分论著目录[Some publications (see Appendix)]


Some biographies: Ove Arbo Høeg - a bibliographySverre Lokken 1936-1998


Professor Ove Arbo Høeg in conversation withProfessor Svein B. Manum1987 Eulogy of Professor Ove Arbo HøegSvein B. Manum 1926-2015

Yearbook (Norwegian Academy of Science). Oslo: Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in1994


Ove Arbo Høeg: a bibliographySverre Lokken 1936-1998

Blyttia (printed ed.). Oslo: blyttia B. 46, H. 4, 1988



Blomsterbestøvningen paa Spitsbergen

Ove Arbo Høeg



上一篇:比利时卓越古植物学家Suzanne Leclercq院士 (1901--1994)
下一篇:Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-15: Ernst von Schlotheim

2 苏德辰 徐令予

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