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已有 27773 次阅读 2011-4-12 21:40 |系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:学者| 经济学, style, 英文版, 自变量, 因变量




Models with Interaction Terms

Sometimes, it is natural for the partial effect, elasticity, or semi-elasticity of the dependent

variable with respect to an explanatory variable to depend on the magnitude of yet another explanatory variable. For example, in the model


the partial effect of bdrms on price (holding all other variables fixed) is(6.17)

If<IMG alt="beta{}_3{} , then (6.17) implies that an additional bedroom yields a higher increase in hous-

ing price for larger houses. In other words, there is an interaction effect between square

footage and number of bedrooms. In summarizing the effect of bdrms on price, we must

evaluate (6.17) at interesting values of sqrft, such as the mean value, or the lower and upper quartiles in the sample. Whether or not <IMG alt="beta{}_3{} is zero is something we can easily test.

The parameters on the original variables can be tricky to interpret when we include an

Interaction term.  For example, in the previous housing price equation, equation  (6.17)

shows that .beta{}_2{} is the effect of bdrms on price for a price with zero square feet! This effect is clearly not of much interest. Instead, we must be careful to put interesting values of sqrft, such as the mean or median values in the sample, into the estimated version of equation (6.17).

Often, it is useful to reparameterize a model so that the coefficients on the original variables have an interesting meaning. Consider a model with two explanatory variables and an interaction:


As just mentioned, is the partial effect of on  when . Often, this is not of

interest. Instead, we can reparameterize the model as


Where .mu{}_1{}is the population mean of x{}_1{}and .mu{}_2{} is the population mean of  x{}_2{}. We can easily see that now the coefficient on x{}_2{} , .delta{}_2{}, is the partial effect of  on at the mean value of x{}_2{}. (By multiplying out the interaction in the second equation and comparing the coefficients, we can easily show that .delta{}_2{}=.beta{}_2{} + .beta{}_3{}.cdot .mu{}_1{}(此公式有错,该死的科学网公式编辑器) . The parameter .delta{}_1{}has a similar interpretation.) Therefore, if we subtract the means of the variables—in practice, these would typically be the sample means—before creating the interaction term, the coefficients on the original variables have a useful interpretation. Plus, we immediately obtain standard errors for the partial effects at the mean values. Nothing prevents us from replacing  .mu{}_1{}or .mu{}_2{} with other values of the explanatory variables that may be of interest. The following example illustrates how we can use interaction terms.



2 袁贤讯 田灿荣

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