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已有 4390 次阅读 2009-10-18 10:45 |个人分类:神经科学|系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:学者

近期,美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UC San Diego)研究人员首次实现大鼠脑损伤部位神经轴突的再生。加州大学圣地亚哥分校神经修复中心主任Mark Tuszynski  表示,该发现标志着一类神经纤维系统——皮质脊髓运动轴突(orticospinal motor axon)再生方法的建立,而这类轴突的再生是脊髓损伤病人实现随意运动的关键一步。该研究发表在4月6日的Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences杂志上。该研究得到美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)、退伍军人管理局(Veterans Administration)医疗中心等有关机构的资助。

神经轴突是贯穿大脑皮层和脊髓之间神经元的细长突出,分布于大脑和脊髓之间,为一种关键类型的神经纤维,参与皮质脊髓的构成和随意运动(voluntary movement)的实现。位于大脑前叶的上运动神经元激活后,引导随意运动的发生,并通过其脊髓轴突传递到下运动神经元。下运动神经元则将轴突伸展到肌肉细胞。脊髓损伤后,沿皮质脊髓的轴突严重受损,从而导致位于损伤部位的下运动神经元与大脑失去有效功能链接。

Tuszynski  表示,此前的脊髓损伤研究证明参与随意运动其他类型神经纤维的再生,但没有明确证实皮质脊髓系统的再生性。理论上,这是由于皮质脊髓神经元有关轴突再生的基因表达调控能力有限。因此,没有皮质脊髓神经轴突的再生,则不可能真正实现神经系统的恢复。

Tuszynski  研究小组通过遗传工程,使得受损神经元过量表达一种脑源性神经营养因子(BNDF)的受体蛋白trkB。随后,在脑损伤部位施用BNDF。由于表达受体蛋白trkB  的神经轴突可以对BDNF  做出有效反应,从而实现收损伤部位的轴突再生。相反,没有trkB  的过量表达,没有观察到神经轴突再生发生。



PNAS April 9, 2009, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0810624106

Induction of corticospinal regeneration by lentiviral trkB-induced Erk activation

Edmund R. Hollis IIa, Pouya Jamshidia, Karin L?wa, Armin Blescha and Mark H. Tuszynskia,b,1

aDepartment of Neurosciences, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0626; and
bVeterans Affairs Medical Center, La Jolla, CA 92161


Several experimental manipulations of the CNS environment successfully elicit regeneration of sensory and bulbospinal motor axons but fail to elicit regeneration of corticospinal axons, suggesting that cell-intrinsic mechanisms limit the regeneration of this critical class of motor neurons. We hypothesized that enhancement of intrinsic neuronal growth mechanisms would enable adult corticospinal motor axon regeneration. Lentiviral vectors were used to overexpress the BDNF receptor trkB in layer V corticospinal motor neurons. After subcortical axotomy, trkB transduction induced corticospinal axon regeneration into subcortical lesion sites expressing BDNF. In the absence of trkB overexpression, no regeneration occurred. Selective deletion of canonical, trkB-mediated neurite outgrowth signaling by mutation of the Shc/FRS-2 activation domain prohibited Erk activation and eliminated regeneration. These findings support the hypothesis that the refractory regenerative state of adult corticospinal axons can be attributed at least in part to neuron-intrinsic mechanisms, and that activation of ERK signaling can elicit corticospinal tract regeneration.




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