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翻译:世界粮食与农业----过去50年的教训(1. 前言)

已有 5889 次阅读 2014-8-28 23:30 |个人分类:翻译实践|系统分类:观点评述|关键词:学者| 农业, 经验教训, 粮农组织, FAO

   该翻译文件出自联合国粮农组织(FAO)出版的《THE STATE  OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2000》一书。受以前单位一领导委托,特于2004年翻译了此书中的几个章节。现录于此, 让有兴趣的人员可以对世界农业概况和发展历程有一些了解,同时, 希望借此提醒人们要重视农业。





                ——Baruch Spinza



















附1  1948年的《粮食与农业状况》对非洲农业发展前景的看法






但是,1950年时,农业仍是该地区经济的主导产业,占其国内生产总值(GDP)的五分之一,吸纳近一半的劳动力。高就业率和实际收入的快速增加使对粮食的需求更为强烈,尤其是在城市。二十世纪四十年代人口的年增长率为2.7%,是全世界增长最快的地区。尽管由于对农业的政策偏见,农业仍然表现良好,粮食生产基本能够满足日益增长的需求。虽然有些国家日益依赖于粮食进口,但该地区仍为粮食和农产品的净出口地区。农业生产能力提高和收入增加转变为膳食水平的提高。1947年该地区人均获得的食物估计为每日2400千卡 (二战前为2200千卡),相对地高于其它地区发展中国家的水平。但是,这些国家的分配也不均衡。







  If you want the present to be different from the past, study the past.

                                              Baruch Spinoza


This review covers changes in the world food, agricultural and food security situation over the past half-century, with a view to deriving policy messages for the years to come.

Fifty years of world food and agriculture make up a canvas that can only be painted with a broad brush. It is not only a long period but also an extraordinarily eventful one - indeed, no other 50-year period in history has seen such wide-ranging and rapid changes in humanity. These changes have not left agriculture untouched. Food and agricultural techniques and systems have undergone major transformations, as have agricultural and rural societies. Different food security situations have also evolved across regions, countries and groups of people. Progress has been spectacular in some areas, disappointing in others. The world today appears overall to be a rich and peaceful place compared with what it was 50 years ago. Yet, millions of people, even in rich societies, are still bowed down by the suffering imposed on them by hunger and related diseases. Such contrasts are certainly not specific to the contemporary world, but advances in technology and resources have made hunger more avoidable and, therefore, more intolerable today.

The past 50 years have seen a revolution in agricultural practices and production and a consequent transformation of rural societies.

From this wide field of research, five themes have been chosen for discussion in this year's special chapter. The first section presents a retrospective overview, largely drawn from the stock of historical and institutional memory contained in past issues of The State of Food and Agriculture; the second describes the process of agricultural modernization and its asymmetric effects on farmers and rural societies; the third focuses on the interrelated issues of staple food production and food and nutrition security; the fourth analyses agricultural productivity, its sources, scope and benefits; and the fifth discusses the role that political and institutional mechanisms can play in reducing or - as has often been the case - perpetuating poverty and food insecurity. A final section summarizes some of the main lessons of the past half-century, as they emerge from the various sections of this review. Overall, it is hoped that the review will contribute both to a greater understanding of the problems faced and to greater commitment towards, in Spinoza's words, "making the present different" - that is, making hunger a thing of the past.

  Half a century of food and agriculture
This is a historical overview of the main events and trends affecting food and agriculture over the past 50 years. It draws primarily on the annual series of The State of Food and Agriculture, which was first published in 1947. These past publications record more than half a century of achievements as well as failures in agricultural and rural development and food security. They show recurring themes and concerns but also major transformations that make world agriculture today very different from that of half a century ago. The economic and political environments have changed profoundly, technologies have progressed enormously and policy perceptions and priorities have evolved.

This section attempts to trace the changes as reported by FAO in The State of Food and Agriculture, particularly - since 1957 - in the special chapters on selected topics. Some events that, in hindsight, appear to be important, but have either been overlooked or reviewed in an incomplete or inaccurate way in contemporary issues of the report, have been inserted or supplemented by additional information in the present review. This is necessarily selective in its coverage, and FAO's many activities and initiatives that are widely publicized in other documents have not been included, except for selected important events in which the Organization has played a prominent role.

It is hoped that this retrospective overview will be of interest, not only as a reminder of past events, but also as material for reflection on how far we have come towards achieving world food security and promoting agricultural and rural development. It should also prompt us to consider how much remains to be done and, judging from past experience, what action is most likely to contribute to further improvements.


Devastation and reconstruction, Food shortages
Geographic concentration of wealth and food supply
Asia - the focus of concerns

The Second World War had a profound affect on world agriculture. According to early issues of The State of Food and Agriculture, world agricultural production at the end of the war was 5 percent - 15 percent in per caput terms - below pre-war levels. However, the impacts of the global conflict differed widely across regions.

Agriculture suffered massive war devastation throughout Europe, in the USSR, in large areas of Asia and the Pacific and in North Africa. Sharp falls in agricultural production in those regions,1 coupled with a widespread inability to finance food imports, resulted in acute food shortages even when hostilities ceased. These problems were compounded by a series of droughts during 1946 and 1947 in the USSR, North Africa and large areas of the Far East. Shortages were also acute in the fisheries sector, which was affected by the loss and requisition of fishing craft and equipment. Four fifths of world fish supplies had formerly been produced in the areas affected by the war. In forestry too, the impact of the war was severe. Direct damage to forests and forest industries was most serious in Central and Eastern Europe, including the western part of the USSR, and in some countries of the Far East. The war effort, combined with the cessation of coal trade, led to overcutting for fuel and to forest destruction in many parts of the world. In addition, there was generally less concern for forest management.

In sharp contrast, food supplies were abundant in a number of large producer countries that had been relatively spared by the conflict - Canada, the United States, Australia and Argentina. As in the First World War, those countries took on the role of food suppliers for their allies and made a special effort to stimulate output. In fact, especially for North America's agriculture, the war years were a period of expansion and prosperity. Agricultural production in this region increased by one third compared with pre-war levels, and net cereal exports rose from about 5 million tonnes in 1938 to an annual average of 17.5 million tonnes in 1946-48. Europe's net annual cereal imports rose from 9.5 million to 14 million tonnes during the same period. Among the developing country regions, both Asia and Africa turned from having a surplus to a deficit in cereals, with the shift being especially pronounced in the case of Asia (which registered a drop from +2.2 to -3.7 million tonnes between 1934-38 and 1946). Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, the Near East and Oceania only suffered from the indirect effects of the war (with shortages of production requisites, or loss of import supplies or export markets), and the war had relatively little effect on their agricultural performances at the regional level.

In reviewing such diverse regional performances, already in 1948 The State of Food and Agriculture (probably recalling the depression-induced agricultural surpluses of the 1930s) warned against the paradoxical existence of burdensome excess food supplies in some parts of the world while there were acute scarcities elsewhere. It expressed the fear that food production in countries with a surplus might exceed the import capacity of food-deficit countries - many of which were acutely short of foreign exchange - and that the excess capacity of large producers and exporters could become structural in nature. It also noted that demand, particularly for forestry products, would shrink when reconstruction needs were met, and that synthetics would displace several agricultural raw materials. In contrast with some economists who advocated measures to reduce supply, FAO advocated action to raise demand, given the very low nutrition levels to which the populations of even some industrialized countries had fallen.

Excess food supplies in some parts of the world coexisted with acute scarcities in others. An increase in demand was needed to improve nutrition levels.

Developing country regions

Early issues of The State of Food and Agriculture reveal a balance of regional concerns profoundly different from the situation today. The regional reviews devoted much attention to the problems of Asia, with relatively less coverage of other regions. Africa, in particular, was recognized as the least economically advanced region, but one for which economic and social development and improved welfare were just a matter of time (see Box 11). This perception of "African hope-Asian drama" was reversed only after an extended period of contrasting development experiences in the two regions.

For Asia, the report depicted problems of an almost unsurmountable nature. This region had about half of the world's population but only one fifth of the earth's land, yet its economy was still dependent on agriculture to a great extent. Furthermore, agricultural productivity in much of the region was very low. For instance, cereal production per hectare of harvested land in India was estimated to be, on average, 20 percent below that of developing countries as a whole; and cereal production per worker in India, Indonesia and China was significantly lower than the average for developing countries. Agricultural structures in South Asia presented a grim combination of extensive land use and a high person-land ratio. Not only was agricultural productivity low but almost three quarters of the labour force was tied up in the production of a meagre diet. Calorie intake was barely 2 000 kcal per caput/day and most people lived on small farms, producing most of what they ate and eating most of what they produced.

The war brought these long-term problems of Asia into sharper relief. The food sector suffered considerably from war, political instability and displacements of people. Per caput calorie intake declined during the war in all but three large rice-producing countries: Burma (Myanmar), Siam (Thailand) and Indochina (Viet Nam, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Cambodia). In India and Pakistan, Japan and the Philippines, it fell to around 1 700 kcal/day. The great fishing industries of Southeast Asia suffered heavy loss of fishing vessels and human resources. The region emerged in the postwar period as a net importer of food, a reversal of its traditional food surplus situation. This shift was perceived to be of great significance to world food trade and raised the question, still debated today in the case of China, of the extent to which food demand in densely populated countries in Asia would exceed their domestic production capacity and cause tightness in world
food markets.

A very different picture emerged in postwar Latin America. Throughout and after the war, the region continued the rapid economic expansion recorded during much of the 1920s and 1930s. Such expansion was achieved more markedly than in other developing country regions through development strategies based on industrial growth and import substitution, which engendered considerable growth in industrial activity. Between 1934-38 and 1947 industrial output almost doubled, while agricultural production expanded by only 20 percent. Industrialization also contributed to a massive expansion of urban centres where most of the manufacturing activity was located, a phenomenon that would be amplified in the following decades.

Box 11


"From the standpoint of the highly developed regions, Africa appears as a comparatively empty continent with large potentialities of production - a soft-currency area with possibilities of a much greater exchange of goods with Europe. Indeed, in the last half of the twentieth century, Africa may in some cases be to Europe what
`the West' was to the United States in the latter half of the nineteenth century". However short in foresight, this vision of the role and future of African colonial territories reflected the conventional view of the time. Despite recognized nutritional shortcomings, Africa was not a focus of concern from a food security standpoint. Rather, adequate domestic food supplies were taken for granted in a demographically "empty" continent, where population was growing at moderate rates (1.3 percent yearly between 1920 and 1950), and with rich agricultural resources which constituted the region's area of specialization.
The fact that early issues of The State of Food and Agriculture may have misjudged the gravity of Africa's human and natural resource constraints is also suggested by the comparatively light treatment of this region in the publication's developing country reviews. Ignorance of facts, rather than neglect, probably explained this shortcoming. The report repeatedly emphasized the lack of information available to allow an adequate assessment of Africa's agricultural situation and the great uncertainty surrounding its development prospects. The 1948 report states that "... it is the least well-documented continent, and until more work has been done by governments in ascertaining the facts in each territory, only a very fragmentary idea of the food and agriculture situation is possible". This appeal for improved systems of collection and analysis of information on the African situation as a prerequisite for efficient policy action was to become a recurring theme of the publication over the years.

Nevertheless, agriculture still dominated the region's economy, contributing about one fifth of total GDP and employing close to half of the labour force in 1950. A high level of employment and rapid increases in real incomes created a strong demand for food, especially in the cities. Indeed, yearly rates of population growth in the late 1940s were in the order of 2.7 percent, the highest of all regions, and per caput GDP growth was 2 to 3 percent. Despite the policy bias against agriculture, caused by the industrialization drive (partly compensated by direct public support in various forms), the sector performed remarkably well, with food production generally coping with expanding demand. The region also remained a net exporter of food and agricultural products, although several countries became increasingly dependent on food imports. Satisfactory agricultural performances and expanding incomes translated into improved diets. Regional food intakes, estimated to be about 2 400 kcal per caput/day in 1947 (up from 2 200 before the war), were relatively high in relation to those of other developing country regions. Levels were, however, uneven among countries (Argentina 3 100 kcal, Peru 1 900 kcal) and income groups.

The war years had generally been years of economic progress for much of Africa. Demand was strong for many of its agricultural commodities and minerals. Many territories were able to expand economic activity and agricultural production. Average income levels were reported to be significantly higher than before the war. Basic food production in Africa increased in response to strengthened demand but, in contrast with other regions, the production of industrial crops - notably cotton, sisal and tobacco - increased faster than that of food crops. Higher income levels, chiefly in the cities, intensified the demand for foodstuffs, many of which had to be imported, and this created growing financial difficulties for several countries. However, despite generally satisfactory food production performances and increasing effective demand, dietary standards remained low. The 1947 estimates pointed to per caput calorie intakes of 1 500 to 2 000 kcal/day in North Africa (significantly below pre-war levels, especially in Algeria and Morocco); and 2 000 to 2 300 in most other countries.

The Near East was depicted as a backward region that was undergoing, however, the most rapid economic transformation. The State of Food and Agriculture 1948 notes: "Only [recently] did this region emerge from a long period in which distances and time were reckoned on the speed of the dromedary caravan. Suddenly the Near East found itself a crossroad of world trade and traffic.... Mineral oil is now available in increasing quantities. Oil pipelines cross the once mysterious deserts. New ports, new towns, new activities are growing continually. Modern Turkey is vastly different from the Ottoman Turkey of 30 years ago, and this is also true [to a] degree of all other countries of the region." The report concludes: "It is difficult to appraise what sort of agriculture may come out [of] this economic transformation during the next generation." In fact, the region's agricultural systems were still dominated by environment and tradition. Water was, as it is now, a predominant concern. Only 4 percent of the land area was under cultivation. Farming systems were characterized by age-old practices and structures. Animal husbandry was divorced from crop farming and monopolized by nomads. Sheep, goats, camels and horses were the most important livestock, with beef cattle farming almost unknown.

Against this background, the war period had been generally one of expansion for agriculture in the Near East. This was true in particular for cereals, meat and other animal products, which generally supplanted cash crops such as cotton in order to satisfy the food demand of the allied forces present in the region. Domestic consumers did not appear to have benefited from this emphasis on food production, however, as available data (mainly concerning Egypt and Turkey) suggest a significant decline in per caput calorie, protein and fat intakes in 1947/48 in relation to levels in the period 1934-1938, especially in Turkey. Average daily intakes in 1947/48 were about 2 050 kcal per caput in Turkey and 2 390 in Egypt, down from about 2 500 prior to the war in both countries.

Fisheries and forestry
The fisheries and forestry sectors were the object of only passing reference in early issues of The State of Food and Agriculture. It was then an accepted fact that the high seas belonged to everybody and that they contained inexhaustible stocks of fish. The FAO Conference in 1946 stated: "The fishing grounds of the world are teeming with fish of all kinds. Fisheries are an international resource. In underdeveloped areas, especially, the harvest awaits the reaper." A similar consideration applied to forestry. Early issues of this publication did mention the importance of conservation and long-term development of forests, but the focus of their attention was on the production of forest products. Conservation issues would only come to the fore decades later - in the 1970s - when the public in some countries began to worry about the destruction of tropical forests, forest fires and forest dieback.  


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