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翻译:世界粮食与农业----过去50年的教训(3. 1960s年代)

已有 5387 次阅读 2014-8-28 23:43 |个人分类:翻译实践|系统分类:观点评述|关键词:学者| 农业, 粮农组织, 经验与教训, FAO













附2   农业绿色革命














对饥饿、贫困、发展问题的兴趣的高涨与分配问题和农业在经济中的作用问题的激烈讨论不谋而合。1970年《粮食与农业状况》中回忆道,二十世纪60年代末期经济长期持续增长后,收入的分配问题受到极大关注,考虑公平成为制定经济发展政策不可分割的一部分。早期的发展理论趋向于认为虽然穷人的收入在增长,但经济快速增长会导致先进行业和落后行业间更大的收入不平等,到二十世纪六十年代末期有相当数量的相反的观点得到了重视。 “基本需要”法赢得了支持,这种方法强调脱贫是经济发展的中心问题。对分配的强调会有利于农业,因为在广大的农村有大量的穷人,相对于工业而言农业常常是落后产业。



附3  1955年和1995年间的农业产出模式























附4  农业贸易——变化的趋势和模式
















THE 1960s

Technological progress
Concern about the poor and hungry - and famine in China Rediscovering agriculture
Trade - the Kennedy Round of MTNs and UNCTAD
Development assistance - the unsuccessful attempt to set targets

Technological progress

Of all of the past five decades, the 1960s could possibly be characterized best by the rapid advance of agricultural technology, although the first initiatives - including the establishment of the first international agricultural research centres (IARCs) such as the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) - had been taken in the late 1940s and the 1950s. There were high hopes that rapid gains in agricultural productivity would alleviate rural poverty and underpin economic and social development while reducing the incidence of hunger.

Box 12


The "green revolution" is referred to several times in this review. It refers to a spectacular improvement that took place in the yields of major food crops (rice, wheat, maize), mainly during the late 1960s and early 1970s, and most impressively in Asia. The improved yields helped turn heavily populated food-deficit countries into self-sufficient producers in the space of just a few years. It clearly averted a major food crisis

in Asia, and served as the foundation for startling economic growth in China and Southeast and South Asia.

The green revolution was characterized by the fast dissemination of high-yielding varieties, i.e. improved seeds resulting from science-based research, as part of a technological package that included irrigation or controlled water supply and improved moisture utilization, fertilizers and pesticides and associated management skills. Its development and dissemination among millions of farmers were possible thanks to enabling socio-economic and institutional environments where active market opportunities also played an important role.

Within 20 years, almost half the wheat and rice land in developing countries was being sown with the new varieties. In Asia, almost 90 percent of wheat fields were planted with modern varieties, and plantings of high-yielding rice had increased from 12 to 67 percent.

These developments enabled major increases in farm production and yields. The most rapid increases in output occurred during the 1963-1983 period of the green revolution. In developing countries, total production of paddy rice, wheat and maize rose by 3.1, 5.1 and 3.8 percent annually. During the next decade (1983-1993) annual production increases were reduced to 1.8, 2.5 and 3.4 percent, respectively.

The green revolution technologies were not without their problems: the need for a significant use of agrochemical-based pest and weed control in some crops raised environmental concerns as well as concern about human health; as irrigation areas expanded, water management required skills that were not always available; gender roles were shifted; and there were new scientific challenges to be tackled. Furthermore, lack of access to appropriate technologies remains a constraint for many farmers in areas with unfavourable conditions.

Consumers may be the greatest beneficiaries of the green revolution. Real food prices in Asia, indeed throughout the world, have steadily declined over the past 30 years through the application of yield-increasing, cost-reducing technologies built around improved seed-fertilizer-weed control components. Lower real food prices benefit the poor relatively more than the rich, since the poor spend a larger proportion of their available income on food. The green revolution technologies have also led to increased rural incomes.

Twice during the decade (in 1963 and 1968) special chapters of The State of Food and Agriculture discussed the issue of raising agricultural productivity and its underlying factors. With Asia the focus of development assistance efforts, it was logical that much attention and a large amount of development resources were directed at irrigation development, although the increased use of fertilizer (consumption by developing countries grew at record rates during this decade) and improved seeds were also key contributing factors to what was to become known as the "green revolution". FAO's own successful Fertilizer Programme, established under the aegis of the Freedom from Hunger Campaign, stems from this period.

The interlinked issues of science, technology, education and extension also received particular attention. It was noted that basic agricultural research, and still more its adaptation to local farm practice, was carried out predominantly in the developed countries with temperate climates. The crucial task ahead was to adapt the growing body of knowledge to the arid or tropical climates of most developing countries and to persuade farmers there to accept and apply this new knowledge.

The opportunities being opened up by new improved varieties and the good agricultural performances of a number of Asian countries in the latter part of the 1960s were the object of discussions in the 1968 and 1969 issues of this publication. To what extent were such improved performances a reflection of the conscious efforts to accelerate output, in particular through the more widespread use of improved cereal varieties and other inputs associated with them? While the reports offered no definite answer, they did point to a number of elements suggesting that something like a "green revolution" was in fact under way. The rate of adoption of the new cereal varieties had been much faster in Asian countries, where cereal crop yields had shown the greatest improvement. Improvements had been dramatic - the rate of growth in output in 1968 had doubled in those countries in relation to past trends - despite unfavourable weather conditions in many cases. It was suggested that government commitment, triggered by the urgency of the threat of food shortages, may have been crucial in this process. It was probably no coincidence that the fastest rate of adoption had taken place in the Far East, where the food situation had been particularly precarious, and that progress had been greater in food-importing countries than in exporting countries. It had been well perceived by the early 1960s that raising agricultural productivity was not simply a matter of developing and introducing new agricultural technologies.

In improving agricultural productivity, issues associated with land tenure and agrarian reform were the most difficult to address.

Land tenure and agrarian reform issues, reviewed in particular in The State of Food and Agriculture 1960, were seen as key aspects of agricultural development, but perhaps the most difficult ones to tackle. Moves towards agrarian reform had gained momentum since the end of the Second World War and, as the report stated, "in no comparable period of history were there such widespread efforts, affecting so many people, to establish systems of land tenure better adapted to the changing needs". However, achievements had been limited, agrarian structures continued to be dominated by extreme inequalities in most developing countries and, when actually implemented, schemes of agrarian reform met with uneven success. The report stressed the importance of providing adequate credit, marketing and technical services if measures of agrarian reform were to achieve the results intended.

World food conferences over the decades have emphasized that the solution to the problem of hunger lies less in seeking new remedies and more in implementing what is already known.

Addressing hunger and malnutrition

Despite growing optimism regarding the possibilities for raising agricultural productivity, a number of important institutional events in the first half of the 1960s indicated growing concern about the problems of hunger and malnutrition and the development prospects of poorer countries. The first was the creation in 1961 of the World Food Programme (WFP), initially introduced on an experimental basis as a joint responsibility of the UN and FAO. WFP was "to explore methods of using the surplus of food production of the more developed countries to aid economic development in less developed countries, and to combat hunger and malnutrition. Though small in relation to some bilateral programmes, it is potentially of great significance" (The State of Food and Agriculture 1962).

The World Food Congress, held in June 1963 in Washington, DC, drew world attention to the problems of hunger and malnutrition. It called on all governments and international and other organizations to take up the challenge of eliminating hunger as a primary task of that generation. It emphasized, however, that any sustained attack on the problem of hunger would have to come from a much more rapid growth of food production in the developing countries themselves. The Congress passed numerous recommendations to overcome the technical, educational and economic constraints facing agricultural development. These were often reiterated in such major meetings as the 1974 World Food Conference and the 1996 World Food Summit, and still remain fully relevant. They underline that the solution to the problem of hunger lies less in seeking new remedies and more in implementing, with the weight of political commitment, what is already widely known.

As emphasis to the prevailing concern about the prevalence of hunger, the 1960s opened with news that food shortages that had been developing since 1958 in China were reaching dramatic proportions. The State of Food and Agriculture reported disastrous harvests in large areas of the country, with more than half of the farmland affected by drought, typhoons, floods, insect infestation or other damage. The extent of the catastrophe in terms of human losses was to be known, however, only decades later. Estimates of the death toll vary but some point to tens of millions. Writing in 1993, Sen2 estimatedthat, during the period 1958-1961, between 23 million and 30 million people died as a consequence of this disaster, which marked the failure of the agricultural programme of the "Great Leap Forward".

Box 13


Significant increases in agricultural output occurred across geographic regions and products during the second half of the twentieth century. Figure A shows the growth in value of agricultural production between roughly 1955 and 1995, for all major products, as well as changes in land area planted. Figure B shows the agricultural output of the top producing countries in 1955 and 1995, in value and in proportion to the world total, along with per caput production and crop yields.

Major changes in total production

· Output value increased in every product category, in spite of a limited area expansion for most crops.

· There was a particularly strong expansion of cereal production, which almost tripled.

· Meat production value tripled and milk production value doubled - fed by the huge increase in cereals grown for feed use.

Major changes among the top ten producer countries

· China's total agricultural production surged, doubling as a proportion of total world output and more than quadrupling in value. China overtook the United States as the world's largest producer.

· China also doubled the per caput value of its agricultural output, which was far more than any other of the large producer countries.

· India retained its position as the world's third largest producer by tripling its agricultural output, although this was less than the increase achieved by China in the same period.

· In per caput terms, India only expanded its agricultural production by 35 percent, again less than China.

· Brazil gained several positions to become the world's fourth largest agricultural producer.

· Argentina maintained its position as the world's highest per caput producer, although per caput production actually declined, and France also substantially increased the value of its per caput output - inching past the United States.

Figure A
Figure B
Figure B (continued)
Figure B (continued)
Figure B (continued)

Agriculture and development

The surge in interest in problems of hunger, poverty and development coincided with an intense debate over distributional issues and the economic role of agriculture. The State of Food and Agriculture 1970 recalled the late 1960s when, after a long period of sustained economic growth, issues regarding distribution of income gains received increasing emphasis, to the point of making equity considerations an integral part of economic development policy. While earlier development theory had tended to stress the likelihood that rapid economic growth would lead to greater income inequalities between leading and lagging sectors, although the incomes of the poor would still rise, by the late 1960s quite the opposite perspective gained respectability. A "basic needs" approach took hold, stressing the alleviation of poverty as the central concern of economic development. The emphasis on distribution tended to benefit agriculture, since it was in rural areas that the majority of the poor were found and agriculture was often the lagging sector relative to industry.

The debate extended to other aspects of agriculture and development. On the one hand, there was a "rediscovery" of agriculture by neoclassic economists who claimed that freer markets, more liberal trade regimes and a growing agricultural economy were conducive to overall economic growth. They also claimed that export pessimism was largely unfounded and that agricultural production and exports did respond to incentives (and disincentives). This position was opposed by the "structuralists", including social scientists from the UN Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA). Strong supporters of import-substitution industrialization, structuralists had long contested the theory of comparative advantage, noting that it was not to the advantage of developing countries to specialize and to export primary and agricultural products when industrialized nations were exporting manufactured goods with greater value added. The thesis of a secular decline in the terms of trade of agricultural exports then evolved and has been the object of considerable literature since.

Although The State of Food and Agriculture did not enter directly into the debate, its position during this period - and thereafter - remained on the side of agriculture as an active source of development; equity as a sine qua non condition to development; and farmers as responsive economic agents who, however, require government assistance to improve their productivity. The importance attached by the publication to agricultural production, productivity and the international competitiveness of developing countries implicitly suggested its faith in an agricultural path to development, if not agricultural specialization, for many of them. The 1962 issue, in particular, emphasized the fact that many ongoing plans for agricultural development were, as they should be, closely integrated with those for general economic development. Although overambitious in many cases, these planning efforts were seen as signs of awareness of the importance of agriculture and its potential contribution tooverall development.

Trade issues

Trade issues were prominent in The State of Food and Agriculture during the 1960s, especially in the latter part of the decade. Two main features marked this period: the conclusion of the Kennedy Round of trade negotiations in 1967 and the establishment of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in 1964 "to serve as an agent of accelerated development for all countries by means of formulating and carrying into effect new development-oriented trade policies ...",3 with the aim of raising the export earnings of the developing countries.

The Kennedy Round resulted in reductions of industrialized participants' tariffs with an estimated average of 35 percent. Although exports from developing to developed countries responded positively to the concessions made in the Round, the products that were most affected were those traded among industrialized countries. Agricultural trade was absent from the negotiations, but there was an agreement among the negotiating parties to contribute food aid to the extent of 4.5 million tonnes of grain annually.

The State of Food and Agriculture noted that the proximity of the World Food Congress and UNCTAD's establishment illustrated the close link between the problems with which they dealt. Freedom from hunger could come only from the economic development of the poorer countries. Even more than foreign aid, the key to development for these countries was their ability to earn foreign exchange from their exports.

The second UNCTAD session of 1968 in New Delhi was remarkable for the scope of its agenda, which covered issues that remain at the centre of developing country interests to this day. These included access of primary commodities to markets in industrialized countries; volume, terms and conditions of development aid; trade expansion, economic cooperation and integration among developing countries; and the world food problem, on which conclusions largely echoed the principles promulgatedat the 1963 World Food Congress.

Considerable attention was given to the question of international commodity agreements, then at the height of their popularity. One visible result was the revival of the International Sugar Agreement, which had been inoperative since 1961. After negotiation under the auspices of UNCTAD, it was enforced for a period of five years from 1 January 1969. Agreements covering other food and non-food commodities were also negotiated with varying degrees of success. There were also discussions on the possibility of introducing schemes of compensatory finance and more comprehensive forms of world commodity agreements, although FAO itself advocated the commodity-by-commodity approach as the more practical method.

Development assistance

The last years of the 1950s and the early 1960s also saw the gaining of political independence by several former colonial territories, particularly in Africa. While in some cases this otherwise welcome development led to political instability and civil strife, it also opened the way for a broadening of development assistance flows, particularly from multilateral sources. The State of Food and Agriculture 1969 reported on the "Pearson report", published by an independent commission sponsored by the World Bank and chaired by Lester B. Pearson. The report reviewed the results of 20 years of development efforts by both donors and recipients and concluded that the aid effort was "flagging" at the very time that the drive for economic development was beginning to produce results. It called for a large increase in government aid, to 0.7 percent of the GNP of the industrial countries by 1975, and urged that 20 percent of the total be channelled through multilateral institutions, compared with the 0.4 percent and 10 percent, respectively, that had been committed in 1968. This objective was to prove unattainable by all but a few donor countries.

Calls for increased official development assistance failed to produce the desired results.

On a more positive note, the same issue of The State of Food and Agriculture also reported a much greater emphasis on agriculture in financing by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). This policy shift was reflected by an expected fourfold increase in the level of loans to agriculture. One consequence of this development was the establishment in early 1964 of a new Cooperative Programme between FAO and IBRD to identify and help formulate many more agricultural and rural development projects for IBRD financing.





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