视觉与制造分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/王中任 实现计算机视觉学科与机械制造学科的完美结合。



已有 6674 次阅读 2008-3-22 17:57 |个人分类:科研感悟|关键词:学者


Camera Calibration Links to toolboxes (mostly MATLAB) for camera calibration.

Paul Debevec. Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs.

Marc Pollefeys, Tutorial on 3D Modeling from Images,, ECCV 2000,

Available here: notes (12.1MB pdf)

Richard Szeliski NIPS 2004 Tutorial on Acquiring Detailed 3D Models From Images and Video,

Available here: slides (37.6 MB, ppt)

Peter Corke did his thesis work on visual servoing for robot applications and has authored a robotics toolkit and vision toolkit for MATLAB.

local copy of thesis: Corke thesis (4.36 MB, pdf)
robot toolkit: robot.zip (568 KB, zip)
vision toolkit: mv.zip (1.08 MB, zip)

P. D. Kovesi., MATLAB Functions for Computer Vision and Image Analysis.
School of Computer Science & Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia.
Available locally as a zip archive MatlabFns.zip (4.8 MB, updated 21 May 2005)

Philip Torr, among many other contributions, submitted a Structure and motion toolkit in Matlab to the MathSoft File Exhange.
Local copy here: torrsam.zip (2.4 MB, zip).



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