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已有 3143 次阅读 2009-4-28 10:25 |个人分类:影音空间|系统分类:生活其它|关键词:学者| 情歌, 感动, Glenn, Frey, saxophone

The One You Love 
这首你爱的人(The one you love)就是描述一个在爱与被爱之间挣扎的女孩。
也许你也曾经为情所困,那么请听这首 听听这首The One You Love 吧,也许能找到一点启示。
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The One You Love 

by Glenn Frey

I know you need a friend

Someone you can talk to

Who will understand what you're going through

When it comes to love

There's no easy answer

Only you can say what you're gonna do

I heard you on the phone, you took his number

Said you weren't alone, but you'd call him soon

Isn't he the guy, the guy who left you cryin'

Isn't he the one who made you blue

When you remember those nights in his arms

You know you've gotta make up your mind

Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you

Or are you going back to the one you love

Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you

Someone's gonna thank the stars above

What you gonna say when he comes over

There's no easy way to see this through

All the broken dreams all the disappointments

Oh girl -- What you gonna do

Your heart keeps sayin' it's just not fair

But still you've gotta make up your mind

Are you gonna stay with the one who loves you

Or are you going back to the one you love

Someone's gonna cry when they learn they've lost you

Someone's gonna thank the stars above

Glenn Frey曾是Eagles(老鹰乐队)的成员,算是一个集乡村、摇滚、爵士等数长于一身的人物。Frey曾和同乡J.D. Souther组成二重唱,创立老鹰合唱团后Frey还是常与Souther合写歌曲(后者在1979年也有首畅销曲"You're Only Lonely")。老鹰合唱团的特色是整齐优美的和声,这些和声编排大多是Frey的功劳(尤其是乐团成立初期),因此团员们给了他一个外号叫“The Lone Arranger”(西部片和卡通《独行侠》的谐音)。1982年乐团解散后成员纷纷单飞,其中以Henley与Frey最受关注。Frey推出过四张专辑《No Fun Aloud》、《The Allnighter》、《Soul Searching》、《Strange Weather》加上一张精选、一张现场实况。虽然专辑成绩、评价略逊于Don Henley,但是他唱的几首单曲却让人津津乐道,尤以"The One You Love"为经典代表作。
Glenn Frey百度百科网络链接
1948116日出生于密西根州的汽车工业中心底特律。参加琳达.朗丝黛的伴奏乐团之前Frey曾和同乡J.D. Souther组成二重唱,创立老鹰合唱团后Frey还是常与Souther合写歌曲(后者在1979年也有首畅销曲"You're Only Lonely")。老鹰合唱团的特色是有著整齐优美的和声,这些和声编排大多是Frey的功劳(尤其是乐团成立初期),因此团员们给了他一个外号叫“The Lone Arranger”(西部片和卡通《独行侠》的谐音)。1982年乐团解散后成员纷纷单飞,其中以HenleyFrey最受关切。Frey推出过四张专辑《No Fun Aloud》、《The Allnighter》、《Soul Searching》、《Strange Weather》加上一张精选、一张现场实况。虽然专辑成绩、评价略逊于Don Henley,但是他唱的几首单曲却让人津津乐道:"The One You Love"是走红大街小巷的不朽情歌(尤其在台湾);两首亚军曲 "The Heat Is On""Smuggler's Blues"分别是电影《比佛利山超级警探》和电视影集《迈阿密天龙》的插曲。Frey参与过影集《英雄本色》一个单元的演出,还有在电影《抢救人质》、《征服情海》客串。




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