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How to Succeed in an Interview

已有 3306 次阅读 2012-11-29 18:06 |系统分类:海外观察|关键词:学者| 面试

Be prepared.

Keep a relationship with those people who can offer you a job.

Show your self-confident and self-esteem.

A real interview is about interaction and conversation between interviewee and interviewer.

Do not just answer questions they ask, you can also ask them questions.

You need effectively listen to what they ask or what the questions are.

What they want to know is about YOU.

Be honest.

Do not over share your answer or information.

Show your passion and you are excited about this position.

Do not ask about numbers such as salary. You may ask compensation and benefits of this job.

Follow up after 24 h of the interview by email or call.

Stop making excuses.

Be proactive! People love people who are PROACTIVE.

Career is not just a job.

The core of an interview is YOURSELF.

If you are asked about your weakness, you can say “I am continuously working on it. I am improving from it. My weakness makes me from good to great, from great to greater. My weakness would build me stronger strength. Previous failure is an experience. I am confidently growing and learning from it.”

Always come from a positive sight to answer questions.

Confirm the time of your interview 1-2 days in advance.

Do not just say you want something, you must DO THE WORK and make it happen.

This content above was summarised from a webinar organised by SOT.




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