


已有 3737 次阅读 2012-12-24 19:30 |个人分类:英文学习|系统分类:博客资讯|关键词:学者| 观点, BBC

Van Persie was lying on the ground when Williams kicked the ball from a couple of yards away as the referee blew the whistle for a foul.
看懂了?那记住这连个人的名字吧,评论中会提到Van Persie 和 Williams。

Ferguson felt Van Persie was fortunate to escape serious injury.
"Robin van Persie is lucky to be alive. It was a disgraceful act from their player," Ferguson told BBC Sport.

"He should be banned by the FA. Robin could have had a broken neck."
The United manager said Williams, 28, had deliberately aimed the ball at Van Persie, who reacted furiously - both players were cautioned by referee Michael Oliver.
Ferguson added on Sky Sports: "With the Van Persie situation, you can clearly see that he could have been killed.
"He should be banned for a long time because that was the most dangerous thing I've seen on a football field for many years.
"It was absolutely deliberate. The whistle has gone, the game has stopped and he has done that right in front of the referee, he could have killed the lad.
"It was a disgraceful act by the player, he should be banned for a long time."

Williams denied he had hit Van Persie intentionally.
"I've seen it on the TV and that's his [Ferguson's] opinion," said Williams.
"Everyone's going to have their own opinion but, from my point of view, I tried to apologise on the pitch but it all flared up.
"I just kicked the ball in frustration and obviously not trying to hit him square on the head.
"I understand exactly why he's angry. I'd be the same if the ball hit me on the head at that pace."


Hightest Rated:

23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:19
Ah yes, he could be one of those many footballers killed every year when footballs make contact with their head... It's so dangerous I'm amazed they ever even try and "header" it... Oh wait, Fergie is just picking up on whatever insane point he could think of in the hopes the controversy will deflect blame from his side's performance today.

Comment number 132. MCFC_TID
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:55

Comment number 17. graham
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:23
Fergie has lost the plot. This is not as bad as a two footed challenge.

He has been given a yellow and that is all he would receive.

Stop crying

Comment number 72. Tackle
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:41
Lets face it, it was far less likely to kill him than many of the tackles Paul Scoles has inflicted on people over the last decade. I think Williams had wound up to strike the ball before the whistle went, and was past the point of no return when play was 'stopped'. Grow up people, it's only a football.

Comment number 70. thaimiller
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:41
it was an attempted clearance give me an eighth of persies salary and you can kick balls at me all day

Comment number 65. Stevie
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:39
This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

Comment number 75. duncan_stone
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:42
Fergie's outburst is pathetic.

RVP, like numerous forwards, is rather liberal with his elbows, and that to the temple is vastly more dangerous than a bag of wind to the back of the head.

Defecting attention away from his players - they don't like it up 'em I tell you.

Comment number 137. yellsub66
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:56
Is there a more despicable character in the whole of football than Mr Alex Ferguson?

His comments are totally beyond the pale and betray his deep seated frustration that Utd didn't win the game! Is he feeling the pressure? Could have been killed, ha,ha, ha!

Comment number 67. hammersmithjack
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:40
So the ball is suddenly dangerous when used against MU players? Players get hit by the ball at point blank range all the time and escape injury - that is what a football does. It rebounds or deflects - it's more dangerous to be hit by a foot, knee, elbow or a head. Ferguson was just upset he didn't get a referee who didn't quite cave into his sledging and give his side everything and 3 points.

Comment number 165. blonde007
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 17:00
Two seasons ago, Rooney elbowed a Wigan's player on the neck and the referee waved 'play on'. Manchester United's official position was that it was a 'coming together of both players'.

Get over it Fergie. It happens all the time. Like Fergie once said, 'it all evens out through the course of the season'. Stop whining.

Comment number 554. Craigp_b
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 19:16
As a football manager, Alex Ferguson is a legend - his record speaks for himself. As a man, however, he's a disgrace - a manipulative, sulking hypocrite.

Comment number 153. The Realist
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:59
Can't agree with Ferguson at all.

The ball was rolling towards Williams, one foot away from the foul, did he have enough time to think "I am going to kick this at Persie!"? Besides, slow motion replays show Williams mis-kicked the ball.

Ferguson needs to grow up and accept his team were not good enough to win, and did he forget about Rooneys elbowing incident? Now THAT was dangerous!

Comment number 169. fatClyde
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 17:01
SAF, Rooney, RVP were all harassing the ref before AND after half time. They are just bitter their bully boy tactics didn't work. Pathetic cry babies. Good on the ref for not rolling over like some of the others do.

Comment number 37. Jack1912
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:30
Lets be clear, Williams is a very clean and professional player. What no one is mentioning is RVP's reaction to it raising his arms to Williams's shoulders and head. Williams was trying to clear the ball from the area, if you actually know the player as Swansea fans do, Williams did not intentionally strike RVP in the head. These things happen throughout the coarse of a game its a contact sport.

Comment number 31. Phildribble
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:28
Usual hypocritical whinging by Ferguson. He is just annoyed that Swansea had the temerity to give them a game and not roll over like other teams. Good job that Swansea are not managed by an ex Utd crony who usually guarantee him 3 points.

Comment number 556. Timely_Logic
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 19:17
I watched the game with my 8yo as neutrals. He said that might "sting a bit". Sit Alex said it "could have killed him". On this one, I reckon young Luke knows more about football.

Comment number 163. Antony May
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:59
It is a shame that Mr Ferguson in all of his years of football management has not learnt how to lose and draw well. You have so many children watching you has Manchester United Manager you could show them how to behave when you are the manager of a very famous old club.

Comment number 93. John1948
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:46
This is what you get when every time Ferguson opens his mouth, the press treat it as if it were something handed down from Mount Sinai. Trouble is that Ferguson believes they are right.
Let's hear from other managers.

Comment number 130. keithe
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:55
Fegie should think about the soldiers in Afganistan whose lives are at risk everyday from bullets not footballs getting paid a fraction of what your players are getting, Grow up you wingey old man

Comment number 317. Brian J
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 17:42
Football players killed by ball and head contact? Unless the ball was fired from a cannon I seriously doubt that major injury could be sustained.

I'm tired of Fergie bringing the game into the gutter: he's constantly looking for extra time if his team are behind, he's constantly looking to get opposition players booked and he's forever trying to influence the referees and FA

Lowest Rated:

18. XTempest
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:23
Disgusting, never seen anything like it. Point blank range smashed the ball into RVP's head while he was on the floor.

Anyone who condones that behavior is a disgrace to humanity.

I can't believe the ref only gave a yellow, it was a straight red all day long.

Ashley Williams is a disgrace.
@6/7:Spot on.

Comment number 56. umpteenth_time_user save 606
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:38
lol at all the United haters on here, going on about Keane and Cantona, events that happened many years ago and had no bearing on todays game.

The only reason the United haters come up with such irrelevent points is because they can't think of anything relevent to support their argument. Its like United fans blaming Suarez and Balotelli for this incident.

We're more intelligent than that.

Comment number 19. derien
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:23
Horrible from Williams. Deserves at least a 3 game ban

Comment number 28. Russeljones
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:28
Ridiculous ref we got today, I am sure he is an Arsenal supporter and lives by AW's motto "I didn't see it".

My pickup:

4. AzarinIsard
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:19
Ah yes, he could be one of those many footballers killed every year when footballs make contact with their head... It's so dangerous I'm amazed they ever even try and "header" it... Oh wait, Fergie is just picking up on whatever insane point he could think of in the hopes the controversy will deflect blame from his side's performance today.

17. graham
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:23
Fergie has lost the plot. This is not as bad as a two footed challenge.

He has been given a yellow and that is all he would receive.

Stop crying

72. Tackle
23RD DECEMBER 2012 - 16:41
Lets face it, it was far less likely to kill him than many of the tackles Paul Scoles has inflicted on people over the last decade. I think Williams had wound up to strike the ball before the whistle went, and was past the point of no return when play was 'stopped'. Grow up people, it's only a football.

1338. AuntieLeft
Think Fergie as been on the Christmas Sherry.
What is he talking about?
The FA will now start an inquiry into on how they can stamp this out. No more balls near the head as Fergie has said it is dangerous and could ' kill you'.
Ban Williams for at least 8 games ( offence of upsetting Fergie) and brand him a Kick- the- ballist and start a media frenzy. It's a Fergie annual event.
All bow to Fergie

1336. john33
Not really an exaggeration then! The man is a true master of posturing and speaking nonsense all in the interest of trying to influence decisions in Man U's favour.

1334. Phil

Standard Sir Alex.
His players have physically attack players and supporters but someone kickign a ball is the most dangerous thing he's ever seen...

Even Wayne Rooney is calling it an over-reaction, just to pacify the loonie Mancs on here who believe anything SAF says, regardless of the facts.

1523. socrates
If a player throws the ball at another player, it's a red card, no matter how light the impact. Williams knew exactly what he was doing. He knew that play had stopped and slammed the ball from point-blank range at Van Persie. He could have broken his neck.

It was an act of thuggery and he chose to laugh it off after the match. The referee completely bottled it, like several other decisions.

1522. Kaiser
The entertainment value from this rant is priceless. SAF has completely lost the plot, and it must be his best rant ever. Watching their fans trying to back him up is also hilarious..

He has obviously forgotten all the previous bad behaviour by him and his players in the past. Boot in Beckhams face, Cantona, Keane etc etc.

Man U are now top of the league, and also a laughing stock.

1515. Fordinho
I think it's fair to say that we are all 'lucky to be alive'.

1511. BritainHasGoneToTheDogs
I've watched this incident in slow motion and at real speed and each time I just feel tearful thinking about what Robin went through, I do hope he's ok but I fear for his hair, perhaps one fell out. I can't take it anymore, please, please Robin do tell me you're ok....

1508. nigel david cooke
footballers should be made to watch a rugby league game ,never moan and just get on with it ,overpaid actors footballers are

1534. Shame_Bale_is_Welsh
I'm guessing when Fergie says 'that was the most dangerous thing I've seen on a football field for many years' he is reffering to one of the many disgraceful challanges by Roy Kean that actually at the very least career threatening. Fergie is debatably the greatest manager and the biggest sore looser football has ever seen.

531. nutgone
Fergie should be fined by the FA for suggesting the referee was anything but fair. Typical bulllying tactics from an bully boy.

1530. Moose
I'm a die-hard United fan but sometimes Sir Alex is embarrassing. When I played I was constantly getting smacked in the face by an old-fashioned leather ball. Usually on a cold and wet sunday morning. Yes it stung a bit but you just got on with it. United were poor yesterday,why oh why can't the old fool just accept that. The only thing RVP lost was his cool and probably a little hair-gel.

1526. super-o
had it been rooney kicking the ball at someones head every1 would be askin 4 a ban. double standards and it will be swept under the carpet.Utd were poor yesterday and were frustrated however didn;t kick the ball at any1. maybe cech has the right idea just keep the helmet on just in case !!!!

1522. Kaiser
The entertainment value from this rant is priceless. SAF has completely lost the plot, and it must be his best rant ever. Watching their fans trying to back him up is also hilarious..

He has obviously forgotten all the previous bad behaviour by him and his players in the past. Boot in Beckhams face, Cantona, Keane etc etc.

Man U are now top of the league, and also a laughing stock.

1520. BaggiosPonytail
@1497 smudger666

I don't think Fergie actually believes most of the stuff he comes out with. In my opinion his comments were designed to deflect attention from a poor Utd performance - and judging by the reaction it has worked!

Yeah i'm not surprised. If it had been a Southampton player and manager rather than RVP and Fergie this would probably have less than 100 comments.

The entertainment value from this rant is priceless. SAF has completely lost the plot, and it must be his best rant ever. Watching their fans trying to back him up is also hilarious..

This comment will remain and be remembered forever in his legacy.
Bet SAF feels a bit silly this morning :)



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