

[转载]评析中国日报2020-03-13文章:Tighten control over imported cases

已有 1645 次阅读 2020-3-16 21:15 |个人分类:英文写作|系统分类:人文社科|关键词:学者| 英语, 写作, 阅读, 报刊阅读, 论文修改 |文章来源:转载

Expert: Tighten control over imported cases


1. case

case用法昨天讲过,不再重复:评析中国日报2020-03-12文章:Imported cases rise as virus ... contained

2. control


(1)power over sb/sth:

The idea is to give local authorities full control  of their own budgets.

(2)limiting or managing sth:

The police are experts in crowd control.

(3)way of limiting or managing sth(常用复数形式:controls):

The country has tightened its border controls.


标题里的control是第三个意思。跟这个control搭配的动词有:implement ~、impose ~、introduce ~;tighten ~;relax ~;lift ~、remove ~。

2. 标题


这个法则标题同样适用。China Daily昨天报道过境外输入病例(旧信息),今天的报道应该突出control(新信息)。所以,标题文字最好把controls放在最后。

Zhong Nanshan, a prominent expert in respiratory diseases, said that there still exists the possibility that the COVID-19 outbreak could end in June, but this hinges on all countries taking full and active measures to tackle it.


1. COVID-19

报道中国之外的疫情,要用世界卫生组织的统一名称COVID19(Corona Virus Disease和2019年的缩写),或用Corona Virus Disease,或第一次用全称后面再提到用Virus或Disease等方式变通表达。翻译就用“冠状病毒”。不要用“新型冠状病毒肺炎”和novel coronavirus pneumonia指称我国之外的冠状病毒,这两个名称是我国卫健委给国内疫情命名的术语,不能搞混。钟南山院士用词准确。严谨的措辞是实打实的爱岗敬业。

2. could

这个词表示推测,语气很弱,可以理解为:it is possible, but not probable。

3. tackle

tackle的英文释义:deal with sth difficult。注意定义中的difficult。处理棘手的事情才用tackle。

"If some countries do not pay full attention to the infectious nature and harm of the disease or intervene forcibly, (the outbreak) may be prolonged, Zhong, one of the leading specialists tackling the outbreak in China, said at a news conference on Thursday in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.


1. 引号


2. one of ...

第一段里有钟南山院士的介绍:a prominent expert in respiratory diseases。第二段这儿又开始介绍,而且用的是钟南山院士的姓:Zhong, one of the leading specialists tackling the outbreak in China。

这位Zhong是不是另一位医生?钟南山院士是呼吸病学专家,这位Zhong先生是处理这次疫情的专家。如果不是用Zhong,而是用Zhong Nanshan,读者至少知道是同一个人的不同头衔。

这个one of ... 最好合并到第一段里去,或是删掉。钟南山三个字国内外很多人知道;不加头衔,读者也知道是谁。

The virus should become less active in the high temperature in the summer, thus slowing the outbreak. However, should the outbreak extend any longer, it would have an enormous impact on the society and the economy of a country, he said, adding that the previous assessment was based more on the situation in China.


1. outbreak

这段时间outbreak是个热词。China Daily上误用过。知道下英文释义:

the sudden start of sth unpleasant, especially violence or a disease

常见的动词搭配:cause ~、lead to ~;prevent ~

常见的短语:an ~ of disease;an ~ of war/fighting/hostilities/violence

2. However


3. impact

impact用作名词是所有人都认可的。现在很多教材的选篇或网络文章里经常出现impact作动词用。英语里经常有变名词为动词的做法:Not all are bad, but all are suspect。你也许见过这样的句子:Did you room-change?意思是:Did you change rooms? 详情请读《简洁的原理》(英文版)第160、176页。


上一篇:[转载]评析中国日报2020-03-12文章:Imported cases rise as virus...contained


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