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Nature书评的Anatomy of higher education的翻译(II)

已有 1100 次阅读 2022-5-4 14:31 |个人分类:疫情封控|系统分类:科研笔记

Anatomy of higher education

Eric Ashby

The Higher Education System: Academic Organization in Cross-National Perspective. By Burton R. Clark.

University of California Press: 1983. Pp.315. £21.25, $32.50.

Clark's painstaking analysis of this question holds no surprises for anyone who has spent a lifetime in academe, but it includes a great deal that is not understood by the politicians and bureaucrats who now have such influence over the future of higher education. He explains how it is much more than basic facilities that bring scholars together into universities. They share certain beliefs; they have common problems of divided loyalty; they cannot work well unless they are allowed to devise for themselves a very peculiar structure of power and authority, one in which the process of decision-making does not descend in decrees from above but arises on the "shop floor" and percolates upwards, to reach (paradoxically) the desk of the individual who, de jure, is the boss of the institution. Prominent among the beliefs is a common purpose: to transmit, by teaching, the orthodoxy of the discipline and to generate, by research, a rigorously controlled system of dissent from orthodoxy. There is a mystique about this and there is intense loyalty to an institution that nurtures this mystique. But these communities of scholars have to come to terms with two often conflicting loyalties.





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