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Nature书评的Anatomy of higher education的翻译(V):结论

已有 1188 次阅读 2022-5-4 18:06 |个人分类:疫情封控|系统分类:科研笔记

Anatomy of higher education

Eric Ashby

The Higher Education System: Academic Organization in Cross-National Perspective. By Burton R. Clark.

University of California Press: 1983. Pp.315. £21.25, $32.50.

Clark's book is written with authority but I must add a warning that his conclusions are at a level of generalization which I found at times hard to follow. I am not a sociologist, so it is not for me to carp about the use of abstract latinized words which to the uninitiated may seem to be jargon. In writing this "layman's" review of it, I may have oversimplified some of Clark's subtle reasoning, but I hope I have made it clear that this is a book which, even if it isn't to be read for pleasure, is certainly to be studied for profit.



上一篇:Nature书评的Anatomy of higher education的翻译(IV)


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