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“小世界”(small world)研究五十周年

已有 6189 次阅读 2009-5-7 16:50 |个人分类:复杂网络|系统分类:人文社科|关键词:学者| 复杂网络, 社会学, 小世界, 六度分离

今天看了科学网这个帖子,“小世界原理、世界小现象‘实证’研究 ”http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=230314好歹咱也是研究复杂网络了,外加今年在“social networks”正好有两篇有关50年来“小世界”现象研究的综述,链接放到下面送给感兴趣的人吧。

作者均为:Sebastian Schnettler

Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course, Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States

1. A structured overview of 50 years of small-world research http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2008.12.004


This paper offers a structured overview of 50 years of small-world research. Initially formulated by Pool and Kochen in the mid-1950s, the small-world concept can be divided into six research foci, based on three dimensions (structural, process-related, psychological), and two process-related themes (diffusion, search). Building on this analytical distinction, the article provides a historical summary of the different phases of research on the small-world problem, and summarizes the empirical and theoretical progress on different facets of the small-world phenomenon. The paper concludes with a brief assessment of accomplishments and open questions, suggesting some possible future research areas.

Keywords: Small-world phenomenon; Social networks; Six degrees of separation; Small-world experiment; Social process; Social structure; Complex networks; New science of networks; Milgram; Social capital; Network dynamics

2. A small world on feet of clay? A comparison of empirical small-world studies against best-practice criteria http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2008.12.005


Small-world studies were introduced by Milgram and others in the 1960s and 1970s. These studies, and a majority of variants conducted by others, display a number of methodological weaknesses that bias their results. While no explicit methodological standard exists for these studies, here I derive a number of best-practice criteria for small-world studies by pointing out mistakes of previous studies, and by applying methodological standards from other empirical research areas. Improving the methodology of letter referral studies is important, because such studies could still be useful in a number of contexts today, especially for the exploration of factors affecting targeted search processes.

Keywords: Small-world phenomenon; Six degrees of separation; Milgram; Social process; Social structure; Small-world experiment; Experiment; Search; Best practice



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