
诸平 2022-11-19 21:47
一项新的实验突破了我们对拓扑量子物质理解的界限 诸平 The upper panel shows a sketch of the experiment. In a magnetic field, a heat current (red arrow) applied to the crystal produces a thermal Hall signal that arises from bosonic excitations (orange balls) moving along the edges. The low ...
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诸平 2022-11-18 21:04
研究人员在亚纳米尺度上解开了光与物质的相互作用, 从而产生了皮米光子学 诸平 This figure demonstrates picophotonics in the 3D lattice of silicon atoms. The red wave represents the conventional electromagnetic wave propagating in the solid. The blue inner wave represents the new predic ...
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Unimon: 一种促进量子计算机应用的新量子比特
诸平 2022-11-17 21:19
Unimon: 一种促进量子计算机应用的新量子比特 诸平 Artistic impression of a unimon qubit in a quantum processor. Credit: Aleksandr Kakinen 据芬兰阿尔托大学( Aalto University ) 2022 年 11 月 15 日报道,来自芬兰阿尔托大学、 IQM 量子计算机公司( IQM Quantum Computers / IQM, Keilara ...
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诸平 2022-11-16 20:18
利用声场在聚合物内部创建液态金属导电网络 诸平 SEM images of LMPNetand their deformations under stretching. (A) SEM images of LMPNetformed by the acoustic wave. White blocks indicate the newly synthesized LMPnanobetween large size (2~3 μm) LMPs. (B) SEM images of 100 ...
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诸平 2022-11-13 20:31
美中化学家创造的“人工光合作用”系统的效率是现有系统的十倍 诸平 A study from six chemists at the University of Chicago shows an innovative new system for artificial photosynthesis that is more productive than previous artificial systems by an order of magnitude. Above, an artistic ill ...
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诸平 2022-11-10 21:41
研究团队创造出热发电晶体 诸平 Credit: Wiley 据威利公司( Wiley ) 2022 年 11 月 8 日报道,研究小组创造了能从热中发电的晶体( Team creates crystals that generate electricity from heat )。为了将热转换为电能,从无害的原材料中容易获得的材料为开发安全廉价的所谓“热电材料 ( the ...
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诸平 2022-11-7 20:54
蛋清可以转化为一种过滤海水中微塑料的材料 诸平 The structure of the aerogel is formed by graphene sheets stretched across carbon fiber networks. Credit: Shaharyar Wani 据美国普林斯顿大学( Princeton University ) 2022 年 11 月 4 日报道,蛋清可以转化为一种能够过滤海水中微塑料的材 ...
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诸平 2022-11-6 21:28
强量子色动力学体系中质子广义极化率的直接测量 诸平 Proton spin structure function g 2 as a function of invariant mass W. Each panel is adjusted to a constant momentum transfer Q 2 (value in the upper-left corner); this Q 2 value is presented in units of GeV 2 . The error bars are ...
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诸平 2022-11-4 20:56
新材料将使局部可变通的二极管成为可能 诸平 Fig. 1 The photo shows Dr. Venturini (left), Prof. Nilges and first author Anna Vogel in front of a measuring device for determining crystal structures. Fig. 2 Anna Vogel mounting a single crystal on the single crystal diffractomet ...
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热度 1 诸平 2022-11-3 15:34
DNA“ 纳米转运蛋白 ” 治疗癌症 诸平 The DNA-based nanotransporter developed by Alexis Vallée-Bélisle and his team can transport and deliver precise concentrations of drugs: in this picture, doxorubicin, a chemotherapeutic drug. These nanotransporters can also be attached to specifi ...
个人分类: 新科技|5535 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1

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