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[Knowledge Sharing 3] 知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper
2023-8-4 18:05
知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper Common error (issue) 3 Why use PLS-SEM (Shiau et al. 2016; Sarstedt et al. 2023; Shiau 2023)??? Smaller sample sizes Research objective is exploratory research for theory development; When the analysis is for a prediction perspe ...
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[Knowledge Sharing 2] 知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper
2023-8-2 16:05
知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper Common error (issue) 2 SEM: Variance explanation (R square) is too low, 0.2 In general, the value of R square is considered as follows: 0.19 (weak), 0.33 (moderate), and 0.67 (substantial) (Chin, 1998; Henseler et al., 2009). In practice, a typica ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1011 次阅读|没有评论
[Knowledge Sharing] 知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper
2023-8-1 22:05
知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM Common error 1: CB-SEM – testing and confirmation where prior theory is strong. Error1, without model fit. CB-SEM 研究結果未報告適配度 X square/df, GFI, AGFI, CFI, NFI, RMSEA Reference Gefen ...
个人分类: 经验分享|641 次阅读|没有评论
PACIS 2023/7/10 Workshop: Use and Misuse of SEM in IS field
2023-7-11 12:32
PACIS 2023/7/10 Workshop: Use and Misuse of SEM in IS field Location: Ballroom A / 宴会厅A ......Welcome to discuss the SEM
个人分类: 经验分享|895 次阅读|没有评论
【Experience Sharing 2】CB-SEM: AMOS 25 & AMOS 28
2023-5-16 19:16
CB-SEM: AMOS 25 AMOS 28 : CB-SEM AMOS 25升级到 AMOS 28 CB-SEM 近几年也有很大的进展,例如 ESEM, GLAMM, Nominal variable estimation ......但 AMOS 25升级到 AMOS 28 的改变没有令人惊喜,但是 plugin 的部份真的太棒了.... 例如:区别效度的计算,中介的计算,分组比较和类 ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1320 次阅读|没有评论
Dear friends: 一个好消息通知大家
2022-5-24 10:48
Dear friends: Exploring core knowledge in business intelligence research is accepted by IR 自high 一下,今年第3篇 ABS 3 *,也是人生 第11篇 核心知识 期刊论文,被接受了。 Shiau, W. L., Chen, H., Wang, Z.H., Dwivedi, Y. K. Exploring core knowledge in business intelligence research ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1091 次阅读|没有评论
2022-5-17 12:12
把我珍藏的影片更新如下,需要的可以看看,谢谢: Introduction of Reflective model PLS-SEM: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY4OTIyMjk3Ng==.html?spm=a2hcb.profile.app.5~5!2~5~5!3~5!2~5~5!24~A!2 Introduction to Reflective model PLS-SEM: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY4OTI0ODg3Mg==. ...
个人分类: 经验分享|2908 次阅读|没有评论
2022-5-10 10:12
20200317 Introduce Mac 把我珍藏的影片更新如下,需要的可以看看,谢谢: 20200317 Introduce Mac Shiau: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY4OTE5OTAwOA==.html?spm=a2hbt.13141534.1_2.d_33scm=20140719.manual.114461.video_XNDY4OTE5OTAwOA== 东方12位中国哲学家: https://v.youku.com/v_sho ...
个人分类: 经验分享|2007 次阅读|没有评论
2022-4-12 10:03
来源:Aguinis, H., Cronin, M. A. (2022). It’s the Theory, Stupid. Organizational Psychology Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/20413866221080629 浙江工业大学 萧文龙团队 整理 本研究是一篇用“理论”来回答“作为研究的生产者、评价者和消费者,应该关注的首要问题是什么?”的综述性的研究。通过 ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1234 次阅读|没有评论
有趣的P value(值) 知識6題小測驗,含解答。
2022-1-25 16:47
小小建議: 得 0 分或看不懂的( 6 題都沒有答對),建議再唸一次大二統計學 16-50 分或猜的 1-3 題答對的,建議再唸一次碩士多變量分析 或進階統計學 51-83 分 ( 1 -2 題沒有答對 ) ,多讀幾次 Haller and Krauss (2002); Gigerenzer (2004); Cohen (1988,1992) ...
个人分类: 经验分享|1462 次阅读|没有评论

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