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已有 5932 次阅读 2016-6-21 22:28 |系统分类:生活其它|关键词:学者



Gmail - 小艳,看来只有法庭才能唤起XX的基本良知.pdf







Facebook Page: Help Our Sister Li Ouyang to Fight for Justice

The second letter concerning the period of the breakup (after Feb. 18, 2014) gives a hint of the intentional infliction of starvation and intentional infliction of emotional distress from my ex-fiance, the abuser, who is an Ohio University professor and physician. This is a letter I wrote in late May 2014 to his younger sister in China. Following the translation of the letter are the original letter in Chinese, my ex-fiance's notice that he refuses to fulfill his promise, some witness' proof of my virtues, and MU's proof of my teaching assistantship.

Between Aug. 2013 and Feb. 2014, I used to live with my ex-fiance four days out of a week in Athens and three days with his parents, sons, and him in New Albany (Columbus). His father went back to China in March 2014.

Before my ex-fiance broke our engagement, he used the affidavit of support as a tool to manipulate me. Whenever there was a difference in our opinion, he would say "if I were you, I would be very careful". Out of his own life philosophy of obtaining maximum benefit at a minimum cost in spite of others' interest, he had intended on the one hand to render me an obedient wife that promises a steady life, delicious food, and filial piety and on the other to make me accept his pursuit of a free life with different women. When I could not compromise in terms of our Three Love Principles, his life philosophy had made him refuse to fulfill his promise he made when he proposed our breakup due to his own problem.

In March 2014, my siblings’ family managed to send me 5000 dollars from China when I made them aware of the fact that I lived a difficult life and ran out of money on my credit card. By the end of May 2014, with less than 3000 dollars left on my card and over 3000 dollars' tuition fee due, I could not register for the summer semester. Under my ex-fiance's request, my school took the affidavit of support out of my student account, and asked me to use litigation to resolve the situation myself.

With 500 dollars paid in early July 2014 and1500 dollars paid in late July 2014 as the attorney fee, I had one meal a day or one meal every two days. In order to survive, I exchanged my labor in a Chinese restaurant for food from late July 2014 to early Oct. 2014. In the meantime, my school had my student account on hold, when I could not pay the tuition for the spring, summer, and fall semesters in 2014.

In early Oct. 2014, I lost the opportunity to exchange my labor for food. At the same time, my ex-fiance refused to fulfill the court decision that was made in early Oct. 2014 concerning the affidavit of support; instead, he went to Miami for his romantic vacation. In late Oct. 2014, I was hospitalized as a result of his intentional infliction of starvation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

My ex-fiance could look for excuses everywhere for his own irresponsible behaviors. He refused to provide food or any expense to me after he broke our engagement, because I had a "rich family" in China and I led a “luxurious” life: The fact is that I walked two hours daily with worn shoes and injured feet, had one meal a day, lost consciousness due to anemia, gastritis, depression, and anxiety, was dismissed from my doctoral program due to the probation placed on me after I failed to pay tuition for a few semesters, was put into a criminal charge of trespassing that occurred when the living room as my sleeping area offered no ideal place for academic work and thereby I had to look for somewhere else to work on my papers. The domestic violence and criminal charge of trespassing combined to make me dismissed from my doctoral program and make me an illegal immigrant.

from: 黎 <>
date: Fri, May 30, 2014 at 11:37 AM
subject: Xxxxxxx, it seems that only the law can arouse Yxxxxxx’s conscience

Xxxxxxx (the first name of my ex-fiance’s younger sister who is in China), please say hello to our elder sister, mom, and dad. Please show this letter to them and hope that they could understand I have no way but to resort to the law to handle the situation. Over the past few months (Note: from mid Feb 2014 ~May 2014), I chose to keep silent, because I hoped to melt a heart with more love, tolerance, and understanding.

I chose to keep silent when I walked at deep night (-10~-15 degree Celsius) from the OU library back home, feeling almost frozen to death…Even the police drove me back home three times due to their worry over my security during the snowy night. Though my mom asked me about the weather because of the dangerously low temperatures in the USA from CCTV weather forecast, I lied and said that everything was fine and it is just a couple of meters’ distance between the OU library and home (which is actually more than two hours’ round trip walk each day).

When my heels developed blisters and started to bleed due to repeated chafing from the worn sport shoes, I kept silent. When I was walking back home in thunder and rain, I found my cellphone left in the library. I tried asking Yxxxxxx (the first name of my ex-fiance) to give me a ride to the library to pick up my cellphone, only to see him burst out with a flood of abusive language and curses…

When I was busy studying, I didn’t have the ability to cook delicious food for Yxxxxxx. I sent messages to him telling him that I am sorry for failing to take good care of him due to my schoolwork, and asking him to eat and rest well by himself.

Each day before I leave for the library, I do all the cleaning work as usual. Days ago, however, I was shocked to be awakened by another woman’s love-making noises. When seeing another woman’s period blood while cleaning the rooms, I chose to keep silent, handwashing those two dirty quilts in the bathtub, letting them dry out in the sun, and making up the bed.

Yxxxxxx’s friends told me that Yxxxxxx would never change his living style which means enjoying a life with different women, even if I die of a broken heart. While I reflected on all of these happenings and my mental struggled, I received a letter from Yxxxxxx. He asked me to move out of his condo before June 30; otherwise, an eviction will be conducted against me. He also stated that he would refuse any financial support.

During the past few months, I have never seriously talked about financial issues, even though he said (as a reduction of his original agreement) he would pay $2000 for my tuition. He reneges on that too, even if I do not have much left from the money given by my elder brother.

This time I am aware that my blind concession, kindness, tolerance, and silence have never aroused his conscience. I informed my university of my present situation and the reason why I have not yet paid my tuition. My university said they will provide me with some legal suggestions, and asked me to resort to legal methods to enforce Yxxxxxx to fulfill his responsibilities.

Xxxxxxx, I apologize for resolving the issues by these legal means. Whatever a man does, God is the beholder…I appreciate your family’s kindness, but maybe we do not possess the fortune to become a family. No matter what, I appreciate the love from mom, dad, elder sister, and you. If any of you, as one of Yxxxxxx’s family members, could remind him of a man’s responsibility and conscience, this might be a better way to love him.

As the saying goes, he that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas- good companions have good influence while bad ones have bad influence. If Yxxxxxx continues his current conduct, it may bring a negative effect to his reputation or even influence his career. It is time to stop my kind-hearted care for him. I hope he becomes a man of self-esteem, self-dignity, and self-respect, and wish him all the best.

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