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博尔赫斯的“后物理学” 精选

已有 6387 次阅读 2011-8-25 08:26 |个人分类:艺术|系统分类:人文社科|关键词:学者


Google昨天又有一个新doodle,是纪念阿根廷大文豪博尔赫斯Jorge Luis Borges, 1899-1986)的,诞辰112周年。



    我接触老博很“迟钝”,他的作品流行的时候,我一眼都没看过(现在书店里难得见他的书了);偶然见过他的《巴别的图书馆》(The Library of Babel),便感觉有趣,应该喜欢——小说最后说


The Library is limitless and periodic. If an eternal voyager were to traverse it in any direction, he would find, after many centuries, that the same volumes are repeated in the same disorder (which, repeated, would constitute an order: Order itself). My solitude rejoices in this elegant hope.




法兰西学院的Andre Maurois有段评论老博作品的文字,说得真令人神往:


Jorge Luis Borges is a great writer who has composed only little essays or short narratives. Yet they suffice for us to call him great because of their wonderful intelligence, their wealth of invention, and their tight, almost mathematical, style. Argentine by birth and temperament, but nurtured on universal literature, Borges has no spiritual homeland. He creates, outside time and space, imaginary and symbolic worlds. It is a sign of his importance that, in placing him, only strange and perfect works can be called to mind. He is akin to Kafka, Poe, sometimes to Henry James and Wells, always to Valéry by the abrupt projection of his paradoxes in what has been called his “private metaphysics.”




借老博自己的话说,他的风格和玄学家们一样:“They seek neither truth nor likelihood; they seek astonishment. They think metaphysics is a branch of the literature of fantasy.








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