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已有 3870 次阅读 2011-8-26 09:02 |个人分类:翻译|系统分类:人文社科|关键词:学者




中国的集句诗词虽然很多,恐怕没有像Ben Jonson (1572-1637)To Celia那么有名的。古代的诗与散文距离很近,这个距离在汉语里越拉越远,在英文里似乎还脉脉相望,特别在十六、十七世纪时。


“那么有名”肯定是夸张了,虽然它在我们西边儿确实有名。不知道这段话是看了哪本书写的(应该不是“抄”的,我抄书一般都要加引号、写出处,真是好习惯)。刚才查Norton诗选(只有这个大一点儿书),To Celia有两首,第二首注曰:Based on five separate passages in the Epistles of the Greek rhetorician Philostratus (ca. 170—ca.245——这就是集句的来源么?



To Celia

1  Drink to me only with thine eyes,
2  And I will pledge with mine;
3  Or leave a kiss within the cup,
4  And I'll not ask for wine
5  The thirst that from the soul doth rise,
6  Doth crave a drink divine;
7  But might I of Jove's nectar sup,
8  I would not change for thine

9  I sent thee late a rosy wreath,
10 .Not so much honoring thee
11  As giving it a hope that there
12  It could not withered be;
13  But thou thereon didst only breathe
14  And sent'st back to me,
15  Since when it grows and smells, I swear,
16  Not of itself, but thee





Drink to me with thine eyes only. Or, if thou wilt, putting the cup to thy lips, fill it with kisses, and so bestow it upon me. Letter XXIV

I sent thee a rosy wreath, not so much honouring thee (though this also is in my thoughts) as bestowing favour upon the roses, that so they might not be withered.Letter XXX


可见,诗应该是Jonson编译了古希腊人的书信,所以的诗题下注释:A Romance Poem Rendered in English by Ben Jonson from a Love Letter by Philostratus of Athens or Philostratus of Lemnos, Jonson Published the Poem in 1616——这是准确的说法,有点儿像琼瑶阿姨借《诗经》写《在水一方》,而不能算我们集句诗


还有一点悬疑:那个Philostratus是谁?前面提到的是Lucius Flavius Philostratus (170 ~ 245-8? A.D.),也称Philostratus the Athenian;而研究者们还发现了另一个“嫌疑人”,是他的亲戚,Philostratus of Lemnos,小了20岁。


    最后一点,有人想当然将第二行的pledge理解为“起誓”,也许从那个场景联想到“山盟海誓”了。其实,《牛津词典》(OED)正是借这句诗来解释pledge为“祝酒”:To drink to the health of, drink a toast to; to toast. 现在它也有这个意思,可惜一般的学习词典似乎没列那个义项。翻译文学作品,特别是古典的,不能只用《新华字典》之类的学习型词典,最好还是贮备几本《康熙字典》式的大部头。







9 吉宗祥 钟炳 李学宽 刘全慧 赵宇 陈湘明 武夷山 柏舟 luxiaobing12

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