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已有 3376 次阅读 2012-5-12 21:12 |系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:学者| 文章, 故事

最近写了一篇关于CHF3废气处理的一篇综述,文章被接受后刚上网,还没有正式出版,就收到了来自澳大利亚CSIRO的一个Chief Research Scientistemail


I noticed your review of CHF3 destruction in Journal of Fluorine Chemistry. You have done a good job in covering a broad range of processes. Thank you for referring to my work.

I should update you on the application of the PLASCON plasma process; it is now being used commercially in Mexico and the USA for CHF3 destruction. In fact the cost is very similar to incineration – the main cost is the NaOH or similar chemicals required to capture and neutralise the HF formed in the process.


P.S. I should make clear that this is not in any way a complaint – I know from experience it is almost impossible to keep up with the development of industrial processes, since they are usually not described in the scientific literature.


在综述中,有一个section是关于等离子体处理其他HFCs(含氟烃)废气(Plasma destruction)的. 由于自己没有做过这方面的工作,我只是简单介绍了这种废气处理工艺,并举了澳大利亚CSIROPLASCON作为工业应用的例子。在小结中我评论到这种方法处理温度高,产物复杂,能耗高。结果这么快就收到了他的质疑email并附上了他的相关文章(虽然他自己在P.S.中说不是:this is not in any way a complaint)。




上一篇:被忽视的合成性温室气体(Synthetic Greenhouse Gases)

2 李天成 neilchau

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